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Market Lambs 100-110 lbs.

Class number:  012        Class Date:  7/23/07

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners:  bluesheep, chadam, clublamb07, EmsoffLambs, Hansen, PTCClublambs, showgirl95


Official Placing: 1, 4, 3, 2

Cuts: 6, 1, 3


I placed this class of market lambs 1, 4, 3, 2 with cuts of 6, 1, and 3.

First Place:  1

Entry number:  55

Exhibitor:  shower4life

State:  VA

Sheep name/number:  Big Fat Frank

Breed:  Cross



The number 1 lamb places first in this class and easily over number 4 because he is the most complete lamb in the class.  He is the most balanced and also the most level and square in both the top and bottom lines.  He is excellent through the front and shoulder; wide through the chest floor and brings this width all the way back. He has excellent placement of neck, is wide and square over the rack and brings this width and length all the way down the rack and loin.  He might appear to drop a little off the loin edge, however I believe that is due to a little excess fill.  He's extremely long in the hindsaddle, and long and level in the hip.  This lamb exhibits the depth of twist that I look for and shows a lot of muscle through the stifle.  He's a very beautiful profiling lamb.


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  086

Exhibitor:  shropgirl

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  303

Breed:  Dorset/Blackface



I believe the closest placing is the middle pair, 4 and 3.  I placed number 4 second and over number 3 because I believe number 4 is the most balanced and structurally correct of the two.  Both lambs appear to be medium framed, with perhaps number 4 a little taller and longer than number 3; both are fairly level in their top and bottom lines; both drop off the dock just a little and I would like to pick them up and level them up in this area.  I see number 4 as being a little wider over the rack and loin and I would give the edge on profile and eye appeal to number 4.


Third Place:  3

Entry number:  063



I think in the bottom pair, 3 and 2, that 3 easily places over number 2.  3 is a lot cleaner through the shoulder, exhibits more levelness of top and bottom lines and looks flatter over the loin edge.


Fourth Place:  2

Entry number:  056



The bottom lamb, number 2 does not have the overall eye appeal or as much muscle compared to the other lambs in the class, granting it is a long bodied lamb.   Again, I  placed this class 1, 4, 3, 2 with cuts of 6, 1, 3.


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