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Market Lambs 135-145 lbs.

Class number:  015        Class Date:  8/6/07

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winner:  2TLivestock, AZChamp, basco, Bonanza1, bug 126, chadam, clublamb07, cwsmith, DC, dc05, EmsoffLambs, Evaluator, Fflick, holliterman36, kamos, Moorman, PTCClublambs, shadowran, shedan, Sheep1, Sheepboy78652, Sheeplovmar, shropgirl, slomom, wcb


Official Placing:  1, 4, 3, 2

Cuts:  3, 4, 3


This class easily breaks  down into top, middle, and bottom pairs.


As a side note, when I judge market lamb shows I'm always looking for a lamb  like number 1.

First Place:  1

Entry number:  003

Exhibitor:  hhhhmom

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  7018

Breed:  Hampshire



I placed 1 first in this class and over 4 because I believe 1 is the most complete lamb in the class, combining style with muscle and balance.  When talking about a power lamb with profile, this lamb fits the bill.   He's extremely clean in the brisket area, wide through the chest floor, and brings this width all the way back.  He's extremely correct at his point of shoulder to top of shoulder, has a wide, explosive top that gets progressively wider all the way back down the rack and hindsaddle.  He's also extremely wide and flat over the loin and shows extreme depth of loin edge.  This lamb is very correct in the top and bottom lines, long and level hipped, and very square through the dock.  He's extremely deep in the twist, however you can still see a separation of each leg which indicates a correct finish. 1 is very explosive through the stifle and stands very correct on feet and legs with the substance of bone we are looking for.


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  092

Exhibitor:  wuvewes

State:  IA

Sheep name/number:  7085

Breed:  Crossbred

Website:  www.moserclublambs.com



4 is an easy second in this class.  He's very pretty on the profile and has excellent length of side.  This lamb is very balanced with long, level top and bottom lines.  4 is also very clean about the front and although he exhibits width of chest floor, he does not have the width and thickness of lamb 1.  He looks to slope slightly over the loin edge and does not appear to have the depth of loin as 1. Although 4 has depth of twist I do not see as much depth as 1 nor do I see as square a dock as 1. Also, 4 does not have the thickness through the stifle as 1.  Lamb 4 does easily place second in this class and over 3.


Third Place:  3

Entry number:  087



Lamb 3 appears to be overfinished as evidenced by the fat around the dock and pin set.  Another evidence of overfinish is the levelness of the twist in lamb 3.  I do not see as much separation of leg in 3 as I do in lambs 1 and 4.  3 also has a short neck which is an indication of a short length of loin.  3 is placed third in this class and over 2 because  3 shows more evidence of muscle than 2, granting that 3 is overfinished.


Fourth Place:  2

Entry number:  054



2 is narrow through the chest floor and over the rack and loin, and slopes off the hip.  Again, I placed this class of market lambs 1, 4, 3, 2 with cuts of 3, 4, 3.


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