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Market Lambs 110-120 lbs.

Class number:  028        Class Date:  11/3/07

Judge:   Sam Funk



Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  AndrewR

15-18:  cwsmith

Over 18:  Basco, Sheeplady, Sheperdmom


Official Placing:  3, 1, 4, 2

Cuts:  1, 7, 2

This is a class of contrasting pairs with a definite top pair and bottom pair which I placed 3, 1, 4, 2. 

First Place:  3

Entry number:  142

Exhibitor: Kyhampbreeder

State:  KY

Sheep name/number:  7217

Breed:  Hampshire



In my top pair of more eye-appealing lambs with one being fitted for a show and the other apparently being shown from the feeding pen, I find the crisp neck-to-shoulder junction and the wider base and dimension of muscle when viewed from behind to place 3 over 1.


Second Place:  1

Entry number:  090

Exhibitor:  wuvewes

State:  IA

Sheep name/number:  Bunny/7009

Breed:  Speckle/cross

Website:  www.moserclublambs.com



Granted 1 appears to be a longer-sided lamb and if you consider this a “finished” market class more than a prospect class, this lamb could sort its way to the top.

The middle pair is easily the most critical pair as 1 readily places over 4 for advantages in structure.


Third Place:  4

Entry number:  153



4 may have some additional thickness when viewed from behind, but it is in the pair of coarser-topped, poorer-structured lambs that readily place in the bottom pair. 

In a bottom pair of problem lambs, 4 places over 2 for his additional thickness over the top, out the hip, and through the leg.


Fourth Place:  2

Entry number:  132



The ewe is shown to more of an advantage considering the overall top line and is cleaner through the breast plate.  However, the wrinkly hided ewe is a steep docked lamb with the least volume of muscle through the leg in this class.


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