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Ewe Lambs 0-4 Months

Class number:  050        Class Date:  4/19/08

Judge:   Sam Funk


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  folchi1

15-18:  chelky313, kingsflock, AW, cwsmith

Over 18:  agrlambman, rdl


Official Placing:  3, 4, 1, 2

Cuts:  1, 1, 7

This class provides us some definite examples of why to be careful about the pictures that we use for submitting to this contest or to send to others when they want to see our true animals.  Some problems may appear to manifest themselves in these pictures that aren’t really there.  Pay close attention to them in the reason.

In a class of young ewe lambs where the quality of photos does not allow for great detail on some and the portions of the lambs blocked by the views in the pictures leave some important factors hidden, I chose the alignment 3, 4, 1, 2 in this class where the bottom sheep was the only obvious placing.

First Place:  3

Entry number:  252

Exhibitor:  RDL

State:  IA

Sheep name/number:  0618

Breed:  Crossbred



In a top pair of contrasting lambs, I chose to go with the potential growth and extension of 3 over 4.  3 is a relatively longer-sided ewe that at this stage appears to be more uniform in her depth of body. 


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  265

Exhibitor:  pleimanj

State:  OH

Sheep name/number:  805

Breed:  Crossbred

Website:  www.pleimanclublambs.com



While the 4 ewe is one of the pair of more powerful, wider-based ewes, she places second as she is also one of the more compact ewes in the class. 

Still in a middle pair of the thicker-ended ewes, I prefer to go with the front end of the ewe that I can see.  Judging structure from a picture is tough enough, but judging it when the front legs of an animal are completely tucked forward, out of place from what would be square with an animal is impossible.  Since 4 is set square on all four corners, I’m going to go with this ewe.


Third Place:  1

Entry number:  227



1 may well be the combination ewe in the class in terms of her levelness of top, depth, projected future capacity and thickness.  But when I have a set of ewes that does not stand out particularly large scale differences in quality without giving up something to their contemporaries, I’m looking for critical areas.  1 appears to be a relatively long-sided lamb, but not particularly extended with the additional height and elevation I want to see through the front.  I also want to see these BREEDING EWES standing square on all four corners and with those front legs too far forward where I can see no pasterns or correctness of set, I place 1 third.

In a bottom pair that was placed easily, I chose 1 over 2.  1 is a more complete ewe with substantially more thickness when viewed from behind.  1 also appears to set down with a more square set to the rear legs than 2 as well as being more level and stronger over the top.


Fourth Place:  2

Entry number:  244



While we cannot see the front legs of 1, the current profile picture of 2 shows us a front leg that leads me to think the ewe may be buck knee (too much set to the knee). 

While 2 appears to be a more extended lamb than 1, this could be due to age variations and this ewe easily sorts her way to the fourth hole.


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