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 Prospect/Feeder Lambs

Class number:  054        Class Date:  5/18/08

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  CrazySuey

15-18:  grandchampkid

Over 18:  Lucy


Official Placing:  4, 3, 2, 1

Cuts:  1, 3, 5

This can be a difficult class to evaluate for  several reasons.  First, except for lamb 4, they are all babies.  Babies are difficult to evaluate from pictures.  At this age I like to use my finger and measure width through the pin bones; I can't do that from a picture.  Also, camera angle and distance can make them appear deceiving, especially when judging babies. 

First Place:  4

Entry number:  286

Exhibitor:  EmsoffLambs

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  150

Breed:  Suffolk X

Website:  www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



Lamb 4 appears to be six weeks older than the other three and, not being able to handle the lambs, this age difference makes it difficult to evaluate correctly from pictures only.  This lamb to me is medium plus framed.  Does have a lot of balance.  Is clean through the front.  Is long sided.  Does have level top and bottom lines.  Appears to be wide over the rack and loin and I believe square enough in these areas.  Does appear to have depth of loin edge.  Is long and level hipped.  Might be a little pinched at the pins (can't really tell, would be easy to determine with finger measurement).  Does have good depth of twist with muscle expression through the stifle. 


This lamb could place from first to third, depending upon the judge's preference.  Its age and size to me are an advantage in this class, therefore, I placed this lamb first.


Second Place:  3

Entry number:  274

Exhibitor:  shepherdmom

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  802

Breed:  Hampshire/Suffolk



Lamb 3 is medium plus framed.  Great neck placement and extension.  Really balanced with level top and bottom lines.  Really clean through the front.  Appears to have a level square rack and loin.  Long level hip.  Appears to be square through the dock.  Good depth of twist and muscle expression through the stifle.  Does appear to hock on rear legs, however, I believe this is due to being posed on blocking table and being overly braced.  This lamb is attractive in appearance and does get my attention.


Third Place:  2

Entry number:  248



Although I really like the Dorset lamb, it's average in length from flank to flank and, with the attractiveness of lamb 3, I'm placing 3 second in the class.  I just see more potential with lamb 3.


A very nice Dorset lamb with balance and style.  Medium framed.  Appears clean in the front.  Wide and square over top and loin.  Appears flat over the loin with good loin edge depth.  Long level hip.  Square through the dock.  Excellent depth of twist and muscle expression through the stifle.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  233



I do see more potential in  lamb 2 than 1, therefore, I'm placing lamb 2, third and that leaves lamb 1 at the bottom of the class.


This lamb does not command my attention from the profile.  Medium frame, not balanced (too much depth of shoulder).  Appears to be thick skinned, and average to short from flank to flank.  From the rear does appear to have a wide square rack and loin.  Also, good depth of twist.  Just does not catch my eye.


For these reasons I'm placing class 054, prospect/feeder lambs, 4, 3, 2, 1 with cuts of 1, 3, 5.  Now, let's have a good discussion of the class.


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