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Ewe Lambs 5-11 months

Class number:  062        Class Date:  7/20/08

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  robbyV

15-18:  grandchampkid

Over 18:  classic1112, dockrock, ewemama1, Ladyshrops2, mm, ptr, SheepShowerMom, shephermomTurboDieselGirl,


Official Placing:  1, 3, 2, 4

Cuts:  7, 2, 3

I see this class with an easy top and bottom, however, too me, the decision is how to place the middle pair. 

First Place:  1

Entry number:  236

Exhibitor:  sheepshowermom

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  Fool

Breed:  Suffolk/Hampshire



I'm starting this class with ewe lamb number 1.  This ewe lamb shows the most balance of any sheep in the class.  I see her as a medium framed power ewe with style.  Long and level in her top and bottom lines, moderate depth of front, tremendous rib shape, extremely  wide in the chest floor and she brings this width all the way back standing  wide on a lot of substance of bone.  She has a wide, square, level rack and loin and is correct at the loin edge showing tremendous depth. Long level hipped, square docked, extremely deep through the twist with tremendous bulge through the stifle.  She should make a tremendous brood ewe.


Second Place:  3

Entry number:  291

Exhibitor:  chadam

State:  WA

Sheep name/number:  BCCL 8006

Breed:  Suffolk



When comparing 3 to 2  I see 3 on the large side of medium frame and it's this extra length that gets this ewe to the top pair and second in this class.  I will grant 2 does have some characteristics similar to ewe 1, however, is just too short. 3 is really level in her top and bottom lines, is long and level in her hip and upon close observation she  is wider over the rack and loin than number 2.  True, I would like to see more depth of twist and expression of muscle through the stifle, however, I find her adequate.  Overall, a nice Suffolk ewe lamb that bred to the right buck should produce quality lambs.


Third Place:  2

Entry number:  287



This leaves 2 and 4 making up the bottom pair.  I will give the length advantage to 4, however, 2 more than makes up for the difference with her superior muscle. She is a power ewe and is fairly balanced.  The problem for me is she is on the short side of medium framed and although she is level hipped, she is short hipped.  She does have depth of twist and is strong through the stifle.  I just don't see the size and scale I want in a brood ewe, and, for these reasons, I'm dropping her to the bottom pair. 


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number:  320



Granting 4 is carrying the least amount of condition of any ewe in the class she does appear to have a structure problem and that has to do with the placement of the neck being too low. 

For these reasons I placed class 062, Ewe Lambs 5-11 months, 1, 3, 2, 4 with cuts of 7, 2, 3.


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