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Ram Lambs 5-11 months

Class number:  072        Class Date:  9/27/08

Judge:   Del Petersen & Clemente Ayon


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  AndrewR

15-18:  annaslambs, Curlie, Kingsflock, marketchamp, storm33

Over 18:  bingham, classic1112, dc05, ewemama1, ewewhoo, Hannaram, Ladyshrops2, momNbarn, r2jhurst, scootermagoo, TurboDieselGirl


Official Placing:  2, 3, 1, 4

Cuts:  4, 3, 4


In this class we found an obvious top and obvious bottom.

First Place:  2

Entry number:  359

Exhibitor:  kpoe08

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  Guage

Breed:  Hampshire

Website:  www.poehamps.com



Using the nicest profiling ram that best combines muscle and structure to win the class.  Ideally, he could possess more thickness from end to end.  However, he easily is used over 3 in the top pair of the two Hampshire appearing lambs.  2 is the easier fleshing, stouter made buck that is straighter in his lines.  He is smoother looking as he is in better flesh, is wider out his hip and is definitely heavier boned.


Second Place:  3

Entry number:  360

Exhibitor:  dustydivider

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  Guage

Breed:  Hampshire/Suffolk



In the middle pair 3 is the growthier, more extended, longer bodied ram that is higher in his chest floor.  He too appears to be straighter in his top line making him more attractive from the side.


Third Place:  1

Entry number:  351



We admit the largest testicled ram is the heaviest muscled, having the most volume and shape through his leg.  However, we still criticized him and placed him third as he is quicker patterned, coarser shouldered, roached topped, and rounder in his hip.


Now, 1 easily is placed over 4 in the bottom pair of Suffolk appearing ram lambs.  1 is the stouter, heavier muscled lamb that is more expressive down his top, is wider hipped, deeper through his twist and more dimensional through his leg.  He should sire lambs with a definite carcass advantage.  


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number:  361



We do grant 4 appears to be longer necked, yet we faulted him and placed him last as he is the thinnest, lightest muscled ram that is the narrowest down his top and flattest through his leg.


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