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Market Lambs 155-162 lbs. 

Class number:  082        Class Date:  12/6/08

Judge:   Del Petersen & Clemente Ayon


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  michaelt6676

15-18:  shae15

Over 18:  allison04, cindyfreed, EmsoffLambs, TurboDeiselGirl


Official Placing:  1, 2, 3, 4

Cuts:  4, 3, 2


We realize the two views of  1 were taken at different times, we judged it as one. 


We placed this class of market lambs 1, 2, 3, 4. 

First Place:  1

Entry number:  021

Exhibitor:  Triplesranch1019

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  Mr. Wiggles

Breed:  Hampshire



This class in our minds has an easy winner because he is the most correctly made, nicest balanced lamb that possesses the most muscle shape in the class.  To make this wether perfect, we would fill him in ever so slightly in his loin hip junction.


Nevertheless, we easily used him over 2 in the top pair of the two white pelted wethers as 1 is more attractive on the profile, being smoother and tighter in his chest floor and tying higher from his neck to his shoulder.  In addition he is the more expressively muscled wether of the pair.


Second Place:  2

Entry number:  141

Exhibitor:  kyhampbreeder

State:  KY

Sheep name/number:  7014

Breed:  Hampshire



We admit that 2 has a more bulging forearm, yet we faulted him and placed him second as he is plainer in his front end, u-necked and flatter in his muscle shape.


Despite these criticisms, we still preferred 2 over 3 in the middle pair as 2 is a stouter boned, heavier muscled wether that shows more evidence of this by having more width and dimension down his top and through his leg.  He too appears to be set squarer off his hind legs, making him the more functional choice. 


Third Place:  3

Entry number:  270



Granted 3 is leveler in his top line, yet we faulted him and placed him third as he is finer boned, narrower topped and flatter through his leg.


Even so, we chose 3 over 4 in the bottom pair of blue wethers as 3 is a longer bodied straighter lined version of 4.  He is more stylish from the side as he is more up fronted and leveler through his dock. 


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number:  401



Indeed, 4 gives off a look of being deeper through his twist, yet we criticized him and left him last as he is the shortest bodied, plainest wether who is coarser shouldered, lower docked and weaker on his pasterns.


Therefore we placed the class 1, 2, 3, 4 with cuts of 4, 3, 2.


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