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Yearling Ewes

Class number:  095        Class Date:  4/11/09

Judge:   Vance Christie


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  dustydivider, kristianna, Mater

15-18:  Amazing, TrentVD

Over 18:  allison04, cindyfreed, classic1112, EmsoffLambs, slomom


Official Placing: 3, 2, 1, 4

Cuts:  3, 4, 2


In a class of extremely high quality ewes, my preferred alignment is 3, 2, 1, 4.

First Place:  3

Entry number:  443

Exhibitor:  Kpoe08

State:  IN

Sheep name/number:  Poe 8259

Breed:  Hampshire

Website:  www.kpoelivestock.com



The Hampshire appearing ewe with the most wool in her boots is simply the largest framed, latest maturing, best balanced ewe in class. Sure, I’d like to see her blend smoother at her hip-loin juncture.  However with this fault aside, when compared to 2 in the top pair of cleaner fronted heavier muscled ewes, I prefer 3’s longer outlined and more statuesque appearance.  The more feminine 3 is longer from blade to dock, and has a deeper sweeping lower rib.  As a bonus she is more expressively muscled, and I would predict her to produce the higher performing, heavier muscled progeny when comparably mated. 


Second Place:  2

Entry number:  399

Exhibitor:  shootingstar

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  Shasta

Breed:  Hampshire X

Website:  www.shootingstarshowlambs.com



2 certainly is a nice balanced, high volume ewe that is fuller and fresher over her loin.  She simply gives up the size and growth of the class winner, and appears to be a great deal heavier in her condition. 


Yet in more of a contrasting middle pair, 2’s added length of neck, smoothness of shoulder and elevation of chest floor allows her to place over the bold sprung 1.  Although she is stretched in the picture, she is the leveler and truer down her top-line, leveler and squarer out of her dock and stouter boned.  2’s overall look should increase the value of her offspring if marketed as club-lambs if she breeds true to her phenotype. 


Third Place:  1

Entry number:  210



Some may prefer the broodiness and added capacity of 1.  However in reality, she is a coarser fronted, ewe with a shorter neck that ties deeper in her shoulder.  Still I cannot overlook the fact that she is both deeper and bolder sprung in her ribcage,  wider constructed, and much wider pinned than 4 in the bottom pair of lighter muscled ewes.  1 is the more maternal easier fleshing ewe of the pair that should have a greater longevity within the flock. 


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number:  445



4 definitely has a great deal of value as a replacement female, as she may have the boldest most upstanding rack of the 4, and is square and sound in her makeup.  Unfortunately, she is the narrowest loined ewe that does not maintain the width of dock, depth of  twist,  and fullness of flank that we see in the top three.  As a result she looks lighter muscled and more out of balance so she is last. 

Great class exhibitors!!! Crystal, good job of putting together a set of quality yearling ewes that would all have a place at my house.  Again, I like them 3, 2, 1, 4, and lets see….hmmmmmm….we’ll cut them 3, 4, 2.


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