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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 90-99 lbs.

Class number:  105        Class Date:  7/11/09

Judge:   Del Petersen & Clemente Ayon


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: showgirl95

15-18: brooke92, nemesis, SunnyD

Over 18: js


Official Placing: 2, 4, 3, 1
Cuts: 6, 3, 4

We placed this class of prospect lambs 2-4-3-1.

First Place:  2


Entry number: 453

Exhibitor: mm

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 0113

Breed: Crossbred




Starting with an obvious winner, this wether is not only the stoutest, heaviest muscled lamb, but also is one that puts a nice balanced look together from the side.  If we were to pick on it a little, we would like to see its tail head be raised just a tad.

However in using 2 over 4 it easily dominates over it in sheer muscle mass.  Its spreads wider and thicker across its top and is more dimensional through its leg. 2 also is smoother in its hide, having fewer wrinkles.


Second Place:  4


Entry number: 490

Exhibitor: TheDad1

State: MN

Sheep name/number: 93023

Breed: Cross

Website: http://my.pclink.com/~ddrewry/index.htm




We admit the Hampshire appearing ewe lamb is long bodied but get critical of her as it is narrower and looser in its pelt than 2.

Nevertheless we chose 4 over 3 in our middle pair as it shows more expression of muscle when viewed from behind and is the nicer fronted lamb that ties higher from its neck to its shoulder. 


Third Place:  3


Entry number: 455




We do realize 3 is leveler out of his hip and is better hided yet faulted it and placed it third as it is plainer in his top shape, flatter in his leg and is turned out on its front feet.

Despite these criticisms, we opted to use 3 over 1 in our bottom pair.  The darker headed wether is leveler in his design being squarer out through his hip.  His dock is set higher and his pins are set wider.  In addition we liked how much straighter lined he was down his top as compared to the ewe lamb that we placed last. 


Fourth Place:  1


Entry number: 435




We do recognize that 1 is good hided and long bodied, but is too flat in her muscle shape, plain in her hip design and weak in her top line to move up any higher.

Therefore we placed this class 2, 4, 3, 1 with cuts of 6, 3, 4.


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