First Place: 1
Entry number: 472
Exhibitor: HannaKay
State: TX
name/number: 219
Breed: Suffolk/Hampshire |
I placed 1 at the top of the class in a fairly easy placing. She is by far the most complete lamb in the class and will hang the most desirable carcass. She is very neat through the front shoulder with a long attractive neck with excellent placement. She is long and level in both her top and bottom side.
I would like to strengthen her over the rack and loin, pick her up over the loin edge and square her up through the dock. Although she is just average in depth of twist and muscle through the lower third, she far exceeds the other lambs in the class in muscle.
Second Place: 2
Entry number: 475
Exhibitor: HannaY
State: CA
name/number: 9001
Breed: Hampshire X |
I see 2 as second in the class and over 3 because of being cleaner through the shoulder and more overall balance. I would like to see more width over the rack and loin; however, I believe 2 excels 3 in these areas.
Third Place: 3
Entry number: 492
I'm placing 3 third in the class. 3 is not as balanced as 2 and he is too heavy fronted when comparing his front end to the rear. 3 also looks to be under-finished as the backbone is up and he tapers over the loin.
To me the hardest placing is the bottom pair 3 and 4. With all of the structural flaws and lack of muscle of 3 I still see 3 placing over 4.
Fourth Place: 4
Entry number: 498
4 does appear to be more correctly finished, however 4 sure lacks over-all balance, is too heavy fronted, is short hipped and sloping in the hip and lacks depth of twist and muscle in the lower third to move higher in the class.
Again, I see the class placing 1, 2, 3, 4 with cuts of 7, 2, 1.