Official Placing: 2, 3, 4, 1
Cuts: 3, 1, 2
A lot of variation in body type is found in this class. Also, variations in the way this class is presented by picture make this a difficult class to properly evaluate from pictures.
I placed the class 2, 3, 4, 1 with cuts of 3, 1, 2 and, too me, the most difficult placing is between the middle pair, 3 and 4.
First Place: 2
Entry number: 502
Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs
State: CA
name/number: 193
Breed: Suffolk X
Website: |
I'm starting the class with 2 which I believe is the most structurally correct ewe lamb in the class.
She is the largest framed ewe in the class with a long neck that sits on top of the shoulder, she is long and level in her top and bottom lines and I found her to be the most balanced ewe lamb in the class. She is very clean through the brisket area and through the shoulder. She is both long and level through the rack and loin area and long and level in the length of hip. I would like to see her show more width over the rack and loin and I would like to square her up through the pins and add more depth of twist, lower leg, and more substance of bone.
Second Place: 3
Entry number: 507
Exhibitor: shootingstar
State: TX
name/number: 09 #17 Sandy
Breed: Hampshire X
Website: |
I found the most difficult placing between the middle pair, 3 and 4. I placed 3 over 4 mainly because the way she is presented in the picture I can tell more about 3 than I can 4. 3 shows more thickness when viewed from the rear than 4. From the profile I would like to see a little less depth of front on 3. She does appear to be clean in the brisket area, clean at the points and is level in her top and bottom lines. From the rear I would like to see more width over the rack and loin and I would like to see more depth of twist and lower leg.
Third Place: 4
Entry number: 538
4 is hard to properly evaluate from the angle of the picture. She appears to be short necked with a low neck placement. Although I cannot see the points of the shoulder she appears to be too rounded at the points, however, her body type does not suggest this. She appears to be short hipped and rolls off the dock. I would like to square her up through the pins, add more depth of twist and lower leg. She does appear to have adequate bone.
Fourth Place: 1
Entry number: 446
I'm placing the little thick ewe lamb 1, at the bottom of the class. From the profile she appears to be short in neck length and short sided. She does show balance, however, she is a little too deep in the shoulder. From the rear she does show width over the rack and loin, width through the pins and depth of twist. She is a little hocked.
Again, I placed the class 2, 3, 4, 1 with cuts of 3, 1, 2.