First Place: 4
Entry number: 537
Exhibitor: Curlie
State: UT
name/number: Mesquite
Breed: Wether sired
We felt 4 had the most good to offer in terms of combining the muscularity and look from the side along with putting plenty of bone into the equation.
In the top pair of the 2 heavier muscled thicker ended wethers we used 4. When compared to 3, he is the nicer balanced smoother fronted lamb that is also leveler out of its dock when viewed from the side. In addition he does have tremendous shag giving him a stouter look that so many are after in the industry.
Second Place: 3
Entry number: 552
Exhibitor: Showman2121
State: TX
name/number: Dollar
Breed: Medium Wool
Granted 3 looks to be longer bodied and appears to be larger in his kind. Yet we faulted him and placed him second as he is deeper through his front end and rounder in his dock setting.
However in the middle pair we used 3 over in 1, as 3 is the heavier muscled, wider topped, thicker ended lamb. More specifically, when viewed from the rear he is deeper through his twist and is wider from stifle to stifle. In addition 3 has the advantage of being longer and leveler in his spine and is the smoother pelted wether of the pair.
Third Place: 1
Entry number: 532
We admit 1 is greater in his bone circumference and appears to be cleaner through his chest floor. Yet we criticized it and placed him 3rd as he is short bodied, roached in his top, looser in his skin and flatter in his stifle.
Despite these criticisms, we chose 1 over 2 in our bottom pair of different style lambs. We chose to use the heavier structured lamb that is wider in his upper hip. He is more pulled apart at his pins, giving him a squarer more muscular look from the rear.
Fourth Place: 2
Entry number: 536
We definitely see 2 as a better pelted, longer bodied, trimmer middled lamb that does have some extension through his front end. Yet we discriminated against 2 as it is the finest boned, narrowest gauged lamb that is u-necked and tapered through his hip.
Therefore we placed this class 4, 3, 1, 2 with cuts of 3, 3, 3.