First Place: 4
Entry number: 601
Exhibitor: admoser
State: IA
name/number: 9398
Breed: crossbred
Website: |
We chose to start with squarest hipped, longest bodied lamb that is driven up through his chest floor. We noted that he is not the stoutest boned and could be a tad stronger down his top line.
Nevertheless we opted to use him over 2 in the top pair, as he is the longer sided, trimmer made lamb. He too is thicker topped lamb having more width and thickness over his rack and he appears to be wider through his upper hip.
Second Place: 2
Entry number: 589
Exhibitor: prd
State: MO
name/number: 951
Breed: crossbred
Website: |
Granted 2 is a stout made lamb that has more thickness through his lower leg, but is shorter coupled, roached in his top and shorter necked.
Despite these criticisms, we still used the Suffolk appearing wether over 1 in our intermediate pair, as he has the advantage in muscle thinness, appearing fresher and bolder in his top, particularly through his loin. He too is leveler and squarer through his hip and is more dimensional through his leg.
Third Place: 1
Entry number: 580
Exhibitor: FFAisLife
State: TX
Sheep name/number: Linus
Breed: Medium wool
We do see 1 as being longer and taller fronted, but faulted him as he is plainer in his top shape, weak in his loin and flatter in his muscle shape when viewed from behind.
Now in the bottom pair of the two poorest hipped, weak loined lambs we used 1 over 3. 1 is stronger on his rear pasterns and is neater in his chest floor.
Fourth Place: 3
Entry number: 595
Exhibitor: TXsheepraiser
State: TX
Sheep name/number: Dr. Pepper
Breed: Suffolk/Hampshire
3 does appear to have some squareness to his rack, but is coarser shouldered, longer in his pasterns and is the roundest and steepest out of his hip.
Therefore we placed this class 4, 2, 1, 3 with cuts of 6, 4, 2.