Official Placing: 4, 2, 3, 1
Cuts: 4, 2, 6
In a class with a logical winner, obvious bottom and a relatively close middle pair, I like the prospect market lambs 4, 2, 3, 1 with cuts of 4, 2, 6.
First Place: 4
Entry number: 682
Exhibitor: SheepsnPygs
State: OH
name/number: Phyllis
Breed: Crossbred
4 is easily the most complete and best combines balance, structural correctness with the most muscle shape. In getting real critical, she pinches somewhat at her hip-loin juncture, however part of that is due to the fact that she is the rawest in her condition as well. Still in comparison to the other hampshire influenced lamb, the ewe is more shapely down her top, longer sided, and more expressive through the mid-plane of her leg. Most importantly as a prospect market lamb, she is longer necked, more elevated through the floor of her chest, tighter hided and appears to be a later maturing lamb that should better maintain her lean muscular shape to heavier weights.
Second Place: 2
Entry number: 636
Sure, the hamp wether is flatter over his loin edge and stouter boned, unfortunately, he is flatter and plainer about his center and lower leg, shorter necked and appears to be thicker hided.
Still in comparison to the white-faced wether, he is wider racked, flatter and deeper in his loin edge and bigger out of his dock. In addition he is straighter in his lines and wider based.
Third Place: 3
Entry number: 657
There is no doubt that the Dorset appearing wether is trimmer made and reads with more natural muscle shape, unfortunately he doesn’t balance as well as the top two, and is somewhat short sided as well. Still he has distinct advantages in levelness of dock and stoutness of construction in comparison to the predominately Suffolk ewe. In addition, he is shallower in his chest floor, neater at the point of his shoulder, smoother at his hip-loin and simply has more show lamb look.
Fourth Place: 1
Entry number: 597
No one can deny the shape and expression the slick legged ewe lamb possesses. Yet, when we break down her structure, she is deeper in her front 1/3, gets tight flanked and pinches excessively through the rear portion of her loin, and is extremely off in her dock. Therefore she is Last.