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Southdown Market Lambs

Class number:  169        Class Date:  11/13/10

Judge:   Vance Christie


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: dustydivider

15-18: daniegirl, suffolkclover, CrazySuey, oxfordshowgirl, babyewe, farmtown8kid, ShelbySue, lambboy, ewegobaa, shae15

Over 18: StarShowLambs, ewelamber, Hannaram


Official Placing: 3, 2, 4, 1
Cuts: 2, 2, 6

I placed the Southdown Market Lambs 3, 2, 4, 1.

First Place:  3

Entry number: 772

Exhibitor: SheepnPygs

State: OH

Sheep name/number: Cayden

Website: www.charlenesclublambs.com



In an intial pair of larger framed lambs, I prefer the added length and extension that 3 offers.  No, he is not as powerful through the lower inside of his leg as 2, however his added style, balance and eye appeal allows him to edge out the powerfully constructed 2.  3 is cleaner through the floor of his chest, lays in neater at the point of his shoulder, is more nearly level out of his dock and tighter hided.  As a bonus he reads flatter and wider over his loin, and I would predict him to harvest a higher percentage of boneless closely trimmed retail cuts than 2.


Second Place:  2

Entry number: 758

Exhibitor: LexiF

State: TX

Sheep name/number: Kelder



Some may prefer the added stoutness and thickness of 2, and I’ll be the first to admit he should rail more pounds of product, however he lacks the showring presence of the class winner so I leave him second in a close pair of differing types of lambs. 

Still it is his added width, thickness and shape of top that allow him to place over 4 in an equally close middle pair.  2 simply has more mass and dimension throughout his top and leg.  More specifically he reads with a deeper crease down his top, is bigger out of his dock, deeper twisted and plumper legged.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 773



I realize that 4 is more youthful in his appearance, is later in his maturity pattern and appears cleaner fronted, unfortunately he is pounds light and needs more days on feed to maximize his carcass potential.  With these faults aside he's definitively more complete than the ewe lamb in the bottom pair.  4 is trimmer made, drapes more muscle over a nicer balanced skeleton, and is bolder topped and neater ribbed.


Fourth Place:  1


Entry number: 756



Sure 1 is a deep ribbed, high volume ewe, unfortunately she is the heaviest conditioned, lightest muscled of the four and is pulling back in the photo making her appear to be weak topped and coarse made.


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