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Ewe Lambs 5-11 months

Class number:  217        Class Date:  3/3/12

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: dm1668

15-18: srffasheepgal, showgirl95

Over 18: DonD1, PeteM, EmsoffLambs


Official Placing:
2, 3, 1, 4
Cuts: 3, 3, 4

I placed this class of ewe lambs 2, 3, 1, 4 with cuts of 3, 3, 4.

First Place:  2

Entry number: 932

Exhibitor: Tiler

State: IA

Sheep name/number: Goldie

Breed: Crossbred

Website: www.moserclublambs.com



2 is the ewe that strikes me as the best balanced female in the class. She is the most proportional from forerib to rear flank and as correct in her lines as any. Muscle is adequate and she shows plenty of extension through her front. To make her more ideal, she could be slightly smoother in her topline and show more muscle expression in her leg.


Second Place:  3

Entry number: 933

Exhibitor: Tiler

State: IA

Sheep name/number: Lily X040

Breed: Crossbred

Website: www.moserclublambs.com



3 is as good as any in the class from her hip to dock. She is long and level rumped and square from hip to hock to ground. From the profile, she needs to be shallower in her chest and leveler in her topline. From the rear view, she appears to be flatter and tighter in her rib than the productive appearing class winner.


Third Place:  1

Entry number: 925



1 is a long bodied ewe that offers good levelness of rump. She stands on adequate bone and is correct in feet and leg placement. She needs to be shallower chested in relationship to her flank and is somewhat higher topped than the class winner. She is the lightest muscled ewe both from side and rear views. However, she is more correct in her lines than the fourth place ewe.


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number: 964

Exhibitor: Purdygood

State: TX

Sheep name/number: Bits #193

Breed: Medium Wool



4 is the heaviest muscled in the class when viewed from the rear. She is stout in her bonework and good in depth of body and flank. She is, however, the shortest bodied and rumped ewe in the class that lacks the extension and level design of the ewes above her.


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