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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 60-69 lbs.

Class number:  221        Class Date:  3/31/12

Judge:   Vance Christie


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: dm1668

15-18: bubbadude3, lambboy

Over 18: PeteM, Ladyshrops2, vieraranch


Official Placing: 2, 1, 3, 4
Cuts: 2, 5, 4

I like the prospect lambs 2, 1, 3, 4 with cuts of 2, 5, 4. 

First Place:  2

Entry number: 961

Exhibitor: Shoein

State: TX

Sheep name/number: PIB X Kool Kat

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.cockburncorleyclublambs.com



In an extremely close top pair of differing types of lambs, I prefer the buck lamb.  Although from the profile he appears flatter and more non-descript in his muscle when compared to the ewe lamb, he more than makes up with it in added width and dimension in the rear photo.  2 is simply a wider based, stouter constructed lamb that is extremely wide and flat over his loin edge and thicker from front to rear.  As a bonus he appears deeper twisted and wider through his stifle, and I would predict him to grow out to be the product driven market lamb of the class.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 825

Exhibitor: numberoneshowgirl

State: OR

Sheep name/number: 28

Breed: Hamp/Suffolk

Website: ALG Club Lambs on Facebook



Some may prefer the added look and balance of 1, and I certainly appreciate her extra extension and cleanliness of neck and shoulder, unfortunately in her rear image, she does not hit me with the power and dimension of our class winner so I leave her a close second.  Nevertheless, the neat patterned ewe lamb dominates her remaining contemporaries as she is leveler in her design,  more expressive over her rack and loin and better in her rib design.  Most importantly she is more correct in her hip structure, more specifically, flatter docked, wider pinned and squarer made.  1 will go on to make the nicest patterned most structurally correct show lamb and ewe.


Third Place:  3

Entry number: 967



3 is a logical third in this class, and although she looks somewhat stiff necked and tight spined in the photo, she is a bolder ribbed, bigger hipped prospect that has more thickness to her top, levelness to her dock and width to her skeleton, all of which suggests that she will be a thicker made, pounds heavier lamb with more product at her terminal end point.


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number: 978



4 does show to have more depth of twist and plumpness to the lower third of his leg, unfortunately he is narrower gauged, extreme in his rib cage and slopes too much out of his dock.  Consequently these structural faults would make it very difficult for him to excel over his classmates regardless of feed consumption or possible muscle development advantages he might possess.


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