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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 50-59 lbs.

Class number:  225        Class Date:  5/12/12

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: jashorning, dm1668

15-18: iheartsheepgirl, kmoen, shae15
Over 18: DonD1, tiler, EmsoffLambs, Lucy, ptr, PeteM, sheepherder007, tf1104, lm1668


Official Placing: 1, 4, 3, 2
Cuts: 5, 2, 2

In this class lamb 1 sorts his way to the top in an easy placing. Then, I believe lamb 3 and 4 fall into the middle pair with the FW/Dorset type lamb falling into the bottom spot. I placed the class 1-4-3-2 with cuts of 5-2-2.

First Place:  1

Entry number: 922

Exhibitor: ARlambs

State: AR

Sheep name/number: 1135

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.cgfarms.homestead.com



1 is the most complete lamb of the class that exhibits the most balance, style, structural correctness, and definition of muscle of any lamb in the class. From the profile I would like to clean up the front with a little less depth of shoulder. He does have a long, level top line. I would like to see a little more definition of rib shape, however, due to his age and frame I believe that will come with maturity.

From the rear he shows definition of top and loin with good depth of twist and muscle in the lower third. He is definitely a great prospect that should be competitive in the show ring and yield a choice carcass.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1005

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: Emsoff 281

Breed: Hampshire cross

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



I believe the ewe lamb number 4 falls into the second spot in a rather easy placing as she shows a lot more style, balance, and structural correctness than my third place lamb, number 3. From the profile I appreciate the extended neck properly placed. She is extremely balanced, smooth shouldered, clean at the points, and is very long and level in her top line including the rack, loin, and hip. She exhibits good spring of rib with fullness in her rear flank.

From the rear I would like to add width over the top and loin and I would like to add width through her pins. She is moderate in twist depth and is lacking muscle in her lower third. She does stand correct on her feet and legs and should grow into a competitive market lamb, especially if the judge appreciates style and balance with a moderate amount of muscle.


Third Place:  3

Entry number: 994



3 is placed third in the class because when he reaches slaughter weight I believe he will harvest a more desirable carcass than lamb 2. 3 is longer sided than 2 and with the extended neck, shows more evidence of length of top, loin and hip than 2. I would like to level his top line, tuck him up in the chest and raise his dock.

From the rear he does show some thickness over the rack and loin with depth of twist and is correct at the pins and shows evidence of muscle in the lower third.


Fourth Place:  2

Entry number: 991



The finewool type lamb in fourth is lacking in profile, is too round at the points and I would like to see more rib shape. In addition I would like to raise his dock.

From the rear I do see evidence of muscle shape over the top and loin and I believe when he approaches market weight he will be adequate in depth of twist and have muscle in the lower third.

Again, I placed the class 1-4-3-2 with cuts of 5-2-2. Comments are appreciated...OG


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