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Market Lambs 131-140 lbs.

Class number:  240        Class Date:  9/8/12

Judge:   Vance Christie


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:

15-18: srffasheepgal, kfaulk

Over 18: EmsoffLambs


Official Placing: 1-2-4-3
Cuts: 3-7-2

I place the market lambs 1-2-4-3 with cuts of 3-7-2.

First Place:  1

Entry number: 949



In an initial pair of lambs that better combine muscle, trimness and design, I prefer the Hampshire appearing wether as he is longer patterned, leveler designed and later maturing. As a bonus, he is squarer in his rack, wider and flatter loined and more correct in the angle of his dock. Consequently the class winner should rail a longer more shapely carcass.


Second Place:  2

Entry number: 951

Exhibitor: Purdygood

State: TX

Sheep name/number: Bevis



Now, there is no doubt that the more Suffolk appearing wether is rounder ribbed, plumper through is center leg and tighter hided. Unfortunately he is shorter necked, bolder about his shoulder and rolls out of his hip so he is second.

Still he is the obvious choice to lead the middle pair. 2 is certainly better balanced, tucked neater through his chest floor and trimmer than 4. The more carcass driven Suffolk wether is more ideal in his finish, more expressive over his rack and through his center leg and without a doubt will hang a higher cutability carcass than 4.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1048



Now I’ll be the first to admit that 4 is a stouter featured lamb that is more correct in the angle of his pasterns, yet in reality he is coarse designed and flat and nondescript in his muscle shape.

However in a bottom pair of lambs that each lack the structural integrity of the top pair, I prefer the stouter constructed, wider based shaggy legged wether. 4 is more pulled apart in his skeleton and consequently has more width down his top and is wider through the plane of his stifle. In addition the deeper twisted wether should hang more total pounds of product when harvested.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 955

Exhibitor: Timatpa

State: PA

Breed: Crossbred



Sure, 3 is trimmer middle and should handle firmer over his fore rib and rack, however, he is extremely deep chested and bold shouldered, flat ribbed and frail structured. To add to his disadvantages, he is the lightest muscled lamb with the lowest leg score and simply needs more product to place higher so he is last.


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