First Place: 3
Entry number: 1052
Exhibitor: Lambmom101
State: IA
name/number: 920
Breed: Crossbred |
3 is the relatively easy class winner for me. He simply combines more positives than the remaining lambs in class. He is excellent from the rear view in how he comes out of a neatly constructed shoulder and
progressively gets wider as you work your way down his top. From the profile, he is the most proportional and best balanced. He is smooth fronted, good bodied, and expressive in his rump and leg. I would like to level his topline slightly to make him more ideal.
Second Place: 1
Entry number: 939
Exhibitor: PeteM
State: OK
name/number: MB Maples 1 "Zeus"
Breed: Shropshire
Website: |
1 is a stout made, heavy boned sheep that is correct in his frame size. He appears to have plenty of thickness of top, leg, and stifle when viewed from behind. From the side, he needs to be shallower chested and straighter in his topline.
Third Place: 4
Entry number: 1059
4 has some of the same positive traits as the second place lamb. From the rear, he looks to be square racked and loined, and has enough expression of leg. He isn't as heavy structured as the top 2 and needs to balnce better in his front 1/3.
Fourth Place: 2
Entry number: 1039
2 is a lamb that is possibly a notch bigger outlined than the other lambs in class. He is smooth through his chest and shoulder good in his length of body. He needs to be leveler rumped, heavier muscled, and better in his hock placement to move up in placing.