Class number: 256
Class Date: 12/29/12
Judge: Gail Christian
Judging Contest Winners:
Under 15: 4hlamber
15-18: bmellum, iheartsheepgirl, Dustydivider, srffasheepgal
Over 18: ewemamma2, woolpuller, Wm, bmc1026, redroper, Killbuck, EmosffLambs, tripjsheep, ns, JJOHIO, sheepherder007, Lucy, ptr, smithlivestocktx, shadowran
Official Placing: 3-1-2-4
Cuts: 7-2-1
I thought this class divided itself into an easy top pair, 3 and 1 with 3 being an easy lamb to start the class with and an easy bottom pair, 2 and 4.
I placed the class 3-1-2-4 with cuts of 7-2-1.
First Place: 3
Entry number: 1101
Exhibitor: Cullen
State: TX
name/number: Gillis Club Lambs
Breed: Medium Wool |
In starting the class with 3, which is an obvious lamb to start the class with, I’m starting with the most balanced lamb of the class that combines structural correctness with style, correct muscle shape, proper finish in an attractive package.
Starting with the clean profile, properly placed neck, straight level top, clean points, proper depth of chest, rib shape and fullness of rear flank that fits a lamb of this frame size. True, the hip slopes just a tad which probably comes from he Suffolk side of the pedigree.
From the rear this lamb exhibits proper shape to the rack, loin, and is square through the dock, deep in the twist with fullness through the stifle. He is very correct on his feet and legs, will hang a great carcass. Just a very impressive lamb, especially when compared to its classmates.
Second Place: 1
Entry number: 1067
Exhibitor: Sheepsnpygs
State: OH
name/number: Mullikin
Breed: Hampshire X |
1 falls into the second slot quite easily, however, does not compare to the first place lamb in style, balance, and structural correctness. However, with that said, 1 will cut a great carcass. From the profile I would like to clean up the front, lengthen and level the hip and see less coarseness in overall quality. This lamb does have proper rib shape, flank fullness.
From the rear, this lamb looks correct over the rack, loin and is wide through the pins. He has depth of twist and a lot of leg muscle, especially through the stifle. He stands correct on his feet and legs and should hang a very complete carcass.
Third Place: 2
Entry number: 1098
I do not see much difference in type in the bottom pair, 2 and 4, however, I believe 2 will cut a superior carcass than 4, therefore, 2 places third in the class.
From the profile I would like to clean up the front, see a little less depth of shoulder, lengthen the rack, loin, and hip.
From the rear I would like to add depth to the twist and more muscle to the lower third.
Fourth Place: 4
Entry number: 1103
In dropping 4 to the bottom of the class I do so because I believe this lamb has the most structural flaws of any lamb in the class and will hang the less desirable carcass of the class.
From the profile I would like to change the neck placement, smooth out the protruding breastplate and add bone to the feet and legs. True, the lamb is level in its top line, however, from the rear it appears narrow over the rack, loin, and is narrow through the pins, shallow in the twist and devoid of muscle in the lower third.
Again,I placed the class 3-1-2-4 with cuts of 7-2-1.
Let the discussion begin...OG