Class number: 258
Class Date: 2/2/13
Judge: Vance Christie
Judging Contest Winners:
Under 15: Zack Molina
15-18: lamblover15, bmellum, Garrett Truck, shae15 Jakerichardson, kfaulk, soccerlamb
Over 18: gonefishin1, Martin12, 1stgenshowman, tripjsheep, Shootingstar, Jenkins
First Place: 2
Entry number: 1013
Exhibitor: Animalluv34
State: TX
name/number: Sig (1155)
Breed: Hampshire
Website: Esmond Club Lambs on Facebook |
The Hampshire appearing wether appears to be the prospect with the most potential to mature into a shapely hard muscled show lamb with the best skeletal design of the four. Ideally my class winner could be stouter boned and squarer standing on his hind two. However in comparison to 1, he is fuller right behind his blades, has more turn to his center rib and iis deeper through his flank. This plus the fact that both are comparable in terms of cover leads me to believe he will be wider, thicker and stouter appearing if comparably fed until optimum maturity.
Second Place: 1
Entry number: 996
Exhibitor: Sheepsnpygs
State: OH
name/number: Rudolph
Breed: Dorset
The Dorset wether is equally as thick made and well balanced and appears to have a little more fullness to his lower inside leg Unfortunately he is flatter ribbed, shorter necked and not quite as clean about his front end. Still he dominates the remaining pair of lambs in overall power down his top, wider and flatter over his loin and much more 3 dimensional in all aspects of his leg. He simply offers a great deal more show ring potential regardless of breed.
Third Place: 3
Entry number: 1116
Sure 4 is long and extended in her pattern, yet in reality the ewe lamb is narrow topped, flat ribbed and too raw in her condition to predict to have the future potential of the two wethers that excel this class. Still I prefer her balance, levelness of design and potential to get better with more days on feed than 3. More specifically she is longer necked, smoother shouldered and more elevated in her dock.
Fourth Place: 3
Entry number: 1114
Some may prefer 3 as he is definitely a bolder ribbed lamb that reads thicker in the wool and his present body condition, yet I see him as one that is low set in his neck, out at the point of his shoulders and off in his dock. This coupled with the fact that he is short coupled makes me think he will be the earliest maturing and coarsest made at his terminal endpoint.