Class number: 262
Class Date: 3/2/13
Judge: Jimmy Davis
Judging Contest Winners:
Under 15: Hannah Zurbrugg
15-18: DShafer17, jakerichardson, lamblover15, iheartsheepgirl, srffasheepgal
Over 18: tripjsheep, woolpuller, redroper, ers, john morlan, sheepherder007, Westtxsheep, Trueblue, JDS
Official Placing: 2, 1, 3, 4
Cuts: 2, 5, 3
First Place: 2
Entry number: 1106
Exhibitor: mm
State: CA
name/number: Fancy
Breed: Hampshire X
2 is the longest bodied, longest rumped ewe in the class. She is one that balances neatly from the side and offers extension and smoothness of front. She is very proportional in her depth from forerib to flank, and correct in her topline. From the rear, she is the most dimensional through her rump, leg, and stifle.
Second Place: 1
Entry number: 1084
Exhibitor: DonD1
State: MN
name/number: Black 113
Breed: Hampshire
1 is a very up-fronted, attractive sheep from the side. She is smooth in her transitions down her top, and productive about her body and flank. She is wide based and square in her leg placement. In comparison to the class winner, 1 needs to be longer bodied, and more powerful in her width and expression of muscle.
Third Place: 3
Entry number: 1113
3 is another ewe lamb that should be appreciated for the width of base and correctness of feet and legs that she presents. She is extended in her front 1/3, long bodied, and level rumped. To be more ideal, I would like to see her smoother in her hip-loin junction and more powerful in overall muscle.
Fourth Place: 4
Entry number: 1122
4 is a smooth shouldered, tall fronted ewe lamb. From the rear, she appears to be thick down the top, and expressive in the leg and stifle areas. To move up in this competitive class, she needs to be longer bodied, heavier structured, and smoother in her topline.