Class number: 280
Class Date: 7/20/13
Judge: Jimmy Davis
Judging Contest Winners:
Under 15: SouthHampShowman, lamblover
15-18: shae15, lambboy, Jakerichardson, Peacelovesheep, garret tuck, Bmellum
Over 18: EmsoffLambs, DonD1, HeartP, tiler, KCCLambs, jacy long, ewemama1, john morlan, fmc77
First Place: 4
Entry number: 1216
Exhibitor: lm1668
State: OH
name/number: 756
Breed: Crossbred
Website: |
The #4 ewe lamb best suits me in a very competitive top pair. She is attractive on the profile being tall shouldered, extended, and correct in her topline. She has the advantage of being longer bodied and smoother shouldered. From the rear, she excels the class by being the widest based, squarest legged, heaviest muscled lamb in the class. To be more ideal, she could be more expansive in her rib.
Second Place: 1
Entry number: 1171
Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs
State: CA
name/number: 0355
Breed: Hampshire X
Website: |
#1 is another high quality individual that balances very well from the side. Some might question his length of body, but I find him to be very proportional in his look. He is very level and correct in his rump and square and correct on feet and legs. To be more competitive with the class winner, he needs to be heavier muscled, both down the top and leg.
Third Place: 3
Entry number: 1198
In the bottom pair, I chose the #3 based on his added width and dimension of muscling. He is very correct in his rump from the side and is good in depth of body and flank. To move up in class, he needs to be straighter and more correct in his topline, and balance up more correctly on the profile.
Fourth Place: 2
Entry number: 1188
The #2 rounds out this competitive class of prospects. He is very impressive in his profile from the hip forward. He is elevated, attractive, and heavy structured. To be more ideal, he needs to be leveler rumped and smoother in the hip-loin junction. From behind, he lacks the width and squareness of top, and fullness of leg and stifle of the higher placing lambs.