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Market Lambs 111-120 lbs.

Class number:  291        Class Date:  10/12/13

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Alyssa Shugarts

15-18: Kris

Over 18: DonD1


Official Placing: 3-2-4-1
Cuts: 3-2-3

I placed this class of lt. weight mkt. lambs 3-2-4-1 with cuts of 3-2-3.

First Place:  3

Entry number: 1250

Exhibitor: Lambboy

State: UT

Sheep name/number: 143

Breed: Suffolk/Hampshire



I’m starting the class with 3 which I believe is the most complete balanced lamb of the class. From the profile I appreciate the long neck squarely placed, the long level top line, clean at the points for a power blown apart lamb, with excellent rib design with a full rear flank. 3 has the longest hip of the class with the most length from hooks to pins of the class.

From the rear 3 is the most blown apart lamb of the class exhibiting both width and flatness over the rack and the loin. This heavy muscled lamb has the deepest twist of the four lambs, most muscle in the lower third,through the stifle and is the widest through the pins of the four lambs. Some may say 3 is lacking bone dimension and foot size. To me, 3 has the dimension of bone that will lead to a heavy dressing percent because if you have too much dimension of bone/feet size you decrease from dressing percent. I believe 3 is just a good overall light wt. lamb that will hang a desirable carcass and be competitive in the show ring.


Second Place:  2

Entry number: 1233

Exhibitor: Audrey Hoyt

State: OR

Sheep name/number: Eeyore

Breed: Cross



In placing the Natural, 2, second in the class I do realize 2 is off structurally with the low neck set, and, if this was a breeding class, this alone would move the lamb to third in the class, however, this is a market class and 2 is probably the longest sided lamb in the class that is clean at the points, has a long level top line complete with a long level hip with great rib design and flank fullness. 2 is a little bare over the loin, however, this is expected when you get this much length on a moderate plus framed lamb that weighs in the 100 to 110 wt. range. 2 does have a massive top with width over both the rack and loin. 2 has a long level hip and shows a lot of style.

From the rear you can see the length of spine, correct rib design, correct pin set width, depth of twist, bulge through the stifle. Again, this lamb is very correct in feet, leg, bone. 2 will hang a very desirable carcass with a high dressing percent and when you get this much pretty and style will be competitive in the show ring.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1253



If the third place lamb, 4, looked as good on the profile as it does from the rear, I would have been tempted to move him up in this class because he sure looks to be correct in hip design for a lamb of this weight, however, from the profile this lamb looks taller than it does long and this sure causes him to look out of balance. The neck, although correctly placed, looks only moderate in length, and from the last rib to the pins, the hind saddle region, this lamb sure looks short compared to the other lambs in the class. 4 also appears to have a low loin edge, is too flat sided and is not full enough in the flank and it appears to lack depth of stifle toward the hock.

From the rear 4 looks like an entirely different lamb as it appears to have width over the rack, loin, moderate depth of twist with a wide square pin set. If the shag was sheared I might be tempted to call him too fine boned. Again, hard to evaluate and the side view profile sure causes doubt to this lamb's overall quality.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 1203



I believe 1 falls into the fourth slot in a rather easy placing. From the profile 1 appears coarse in its structure, especially through the shoulder. 1 does have a long correctly placed neck, with level top line, level hip, full rib and flank. However, from the rear 1 has too much spring of rib as if he is tanked up on hay, is narrow over the rack, loin and appears soft muscled. To me 1 is the least desirable market lamb of the class with the least potential.

Again, I placed the class 3-2-4-1 with cuts of 3-2-3. Hey, discuss the class if you desire, always interesting to get a different point of view. OG


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