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Ewe Lambs 2-4 months

Class number:  302        Class Date:  3/15/14

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: HannahZurbrugg

15-18: showstopperlambs, Dustydivider, Cameron Anderson, lamblover15

Over 18: EmsoffLambs, woolpuller, KCCLambs, manager, Chho35


Official Placing: 1-2-4-3
Cuts: 5-5-1

I think this class evolves into a top pair 1 & 2 and a bottom pair 3 & 4. I placed the class 1-2-4-3 with cuts of 5-5-1.

First Place:  1

Entry number: 1295

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 326

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



I placed 1 first and over 2 in a rather easy placing. 1 is the most balanced complete prospect in the class. She is superior in her exceptionally clean front than any sheep in the class. she has a dream profile with extended neck squarely placed. she is clean at the points, tucked in her chest floor and has a long level top and hip. she is of medium bone however her feet and legs are squarely placed.

From the rear I would like to see more width over both the rack and loin, however, she is flat in these areas and with her moderate plus frame these areas with improve as she adds muscle through maturity. She is correct in rib shape, shows fullness of flank , depth of twist and muscle through the stifle. She is just a solid brood ewe prospect.


Second Place:  2

Entry number: 1297

Exhibitor: heresheep

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 770

Breed: Crossbred

Website: www.threesistersheep.com



I think for second in the class 2 is an easy placing over 4. she profiles good, however, I would like to raise the chest floor a tad and clean her up at the points. I would like to square up her feet and leg placement and add fullness to flank and shape of rib she is level topped.

From the rear she is acceptable over both the rack and loin with same depth of twist as number 1 however she does not square up through the dock as good as 1 and she has a tendency to hock in her back legs. She does have some structural flaws that would need to be addressed in paring her with a ram.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1302



In placing 4 over 3, the little South Down, I will grant 3 has the superior profile appearance because she is a lot smoother, however, 4 is superior in total length. 4 does appear to be in extremely thin condition and this causes her appearance to look very rough, especially through the shoulders and over the loin and hip/loin juncture. She does have structural problems with the main problem is she toes out at the front and hocks in at the rear, however, when viewed from the rear she is superior to the Down in thickness over both the rack and loin and she has the deepest twist of any of the four. If she was carrying more finish/condition she would sure look better in her overall appearance, however, she would still place third because of the incorrect set to her feet and legs.



Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1284



In placing the Down fourth I do grant she is superior to 4 in profile. With that said she does appear to be taller than she is long and that does not equate to balance.She is level in her top line and she does stand on ample bone, however, when viewed from the rear she is too narrow through the pins, lacks depth and is flat muscled through the stifle.

Again, I placed the class 1-2-4-3 with cuts of 5-5-1. Comments are welcomed...OG


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