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Market Lambs 121-130 lbs.

Class number:  315        Class Date:  7/12/14

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Ty Davis, Hannah Zurbrugg

15-18: Bmellum, Jakerichardson, Dustydivider

Over 18: EmsoffLambs, tiler, iheartsheepgirl, gtown


Official Placing: 2-1-4-3
Cuts: 2-5-2

Too me this breaks down to a two pair class with 1 & 2 at the top and 3 & 4 at the bottom. I see the class placing 2-1-4-3 with cuts of 2-5-2.

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1337

Exhibitor: Westtxsheep

State: TX

Sheep name/number: TR01

Breed: Hamp X



In starting the class with 2. I’m starting with the longest sided, thickest over the rack and loin and most muscular, balanced lamb in the class. From the profile I believe if 2 had been set up standing on the ground he would appear more level in the top line, however, with the long neck squarely placed, the clean front with tucked chest floor, the length from flank to flank, the rib shape and fullness of rear flank and longest hip, this lamb rises to the top of the class. When viewed from the rear you see the wedge shape, width and flatness over the rack, the loin, the extremely long level hip, width through the pins, depth of twist and massive leg. Just a real good market lamb that should hang a great carcass.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 1264

Exhibitor: Jakerichardson

State: CA



The lamb placing second in the class 1, is an attractive lamb, however, he appears to be taller than he is long. I think this lamb would look more complete set up on the ground. He does have the proper neck set, is really balanced, does have a straight top line, level hip, great rib shape, flank fullness. From the rear with the neck extended he sure appears to be longer sided than the profile picture presents. This lamb is correct over the rack, the loin, does appear to have width at the pins, twist depth, muscular leg, but just not as much as the lamb placing above in the class. He should hang a great carcass and be a competitive lamb.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1381
Exhibitor: Danielle Jackson
State: CA
Sheep name/number: 610
Breed: Suffolk X Hamp



There is not a lot of difference in the bottom pair, 3 & 4 however, I’m giving the advantage to 4. With that said 4 does have some structural problems starting with the sloping hip. From the profile 4 is longer sided than 3. 4 is pretty correct correct in his balance. He is long topped, has some turn to the rib and is full in rear flank. From the rear, 4 is thicker than 3. 4 appears to be wide & flat over the rack and loin, is wide in the pins, and has some twist depth. I would like to see more bulge through the stifle. 4 should hang a desirable carcass.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1357



In placing 3 at the bottom of the class I do so because 3 has the most structural problems of any lamb in the class. She has too much depth of shoulder, slopes off the hip and is light muscled. 3 does have rib shape, flank fullness but from the rear is narrow through the pins, shallow in twist and lacks both inner and outer leg muscle.

Again, I placed the class 2-1-4-3 with cuts of 2-5-2. Comments about the class are both welcomed and appreciated. OG


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