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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 45-55 lbs

Class number:  317        Class Date:  8/2/14

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Ty Davis

15-18: Bmellum

Over 18: slomom, iheartsheepgirl, whoward, JDS


Official Placing: 2-3-1-4
Cuts: 4-5-5

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1325

Exhibitor: 1stgenshowman

State: IA

Sheep name/number: Leete 0002

Breed: crossbred

Website: www.facebook.com/Leete-Lambs



2 wins the class easily for me as he is the most complete sheep of the class. He balances well from the profile and excels in length of body. He is a heavy boned, wide based lamb that is long rumped and level topped. From the rear, he is the deepest twisted, thickest ended wether in class.


Second Place:  3

Entry number: 1319

Exhibitor: Martins4mranch

State: OK

Sheep name/number: Tag 42

Breed: Dorset



The dorset lamb falls in second as he most closely follows the pattern of the winner. He is smooth fronted and balances well from flank to flank. He gives up some length of body, but maintains a strong, level topline. From behind, he needs to show more expression in his lower leg and stifle.


Third Place:  1

Entry number: 1323



1 is tall fronted and level designed. Although he has more shoulder than the top pair, he is still proportional in depth of body. In comparison to the higher placing lambs, he needs to be longer bodied, longer necked, and more correct in his hock.


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number: 1345

Exhibitor: 2TLivestock

State: NE

Sheep name/number: Bicardi

Breed: Suffolk X



The 4 sheep is extremely tall shouldered and smooth fronted. He appears to be adequate in his muscle thickness from the rear. To be more competitive, he needs to be stouter structured, wider pinned, and more correct in his hock.


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