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Ram Lambs 2-4 months

Class number:  338        Class Date:  3/14/15

Judge:   Charles Seely


 Judging Contest Winners:

Under 15: Lillieannaewe

15-18: Megan, Caitlin

Over 18: PeteM


Official Placing: 2-4-1-3
Cuts: 3-6-3

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1368

Exhibitor: DonD1

State: MN

Sheep name/number: Hellfire

Website: www.drewryclublambs.com



In a tough pair of potential herd sires, I go ahead and tie onto 2. I read this buck to be more opened up in his foundation and center body. The 2 buck is certainly more expressive in his musculature, all the while appearing to open up with more spread and shape through his rack and loin. From behind, he is bigger through his pins and upper hip as well as wrapping more inner leg and outer stifle. If I change this one up, I would like to lay him back through his shoulder and square this guy up more from his hock down.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1471

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: Emsoff #413

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



Not to take anything away from 4, the speckle hided buck is another powerful buck in his own right who has a tremendous amount of merit. He is moderate in his design, more laid back through his shoulder, and I love the progression of depth from his foreflank to his rear flank. However as I study him further, he gets deeper through his chest, flatter in his center and upper body, frailer in his foot size, and wants to narrow back into pinsetting. I would also like to see him more correct in his rear leg organization.


Third Place:  1

Entry number: 1347:
Exhibitor: 2TLivestock
State: NE
Sheep name/number: T116-1
Breed: Suffolk x Hampshire



I follow up with 1 in third. This buck is big through his center leg, stout in his foot and bone work, and is extended up through his front third. However, when compared to our top duo he gets rounder off both ends of his skeleton. He gets more opened up through the bottom of his shoulder, and steeper out of his dock. He is a shorter sided individual who gives up some muscularity and performance to our top two.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1457



Completing our class is 3. He is a shaggy legged, big boned rascal who is going to grow off to be big in his kind. However for me he gives up too much muscularity and skeletal width to those ahead of him. He gets the roughest in his outline, the steepest out of his hip, and plainest from behind.


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