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Market Lambs 121-130 lbs

Class number:  361        Class Date:  10/31/15

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Michael, Laney

15-18: Amj061

Over 18: EmsoffLambs, woolpuller, Sarahp872, Dustin Shultz, Lluscombe3


Official Placing: 4-3-2-1
Cuts: 1-2-4

I placed this class of market lambs 4-3-2-1 with cuts of 1-2-4.

First Place:  4

Entry number: 1539

Exhibitor: walk66

State: TX

Sheep name/number: Lefty

Breed: Hamp



I started the class with 4 because I found 4 to be the most complete lamb of the class when combining style, balance, structural correctness, smoothness of muscle and overall carcass cutability. I appreciate the correctly placed neck, the long level spine including the long level hip. Correct in his rib design, flank fullness and proper depth of front.

From the rear 4 is both wide and flat over the rack and the loin, wide and square at the pins, deep twist with muscle through the bottom third. Just a nice complete lamb that should be competitive in the ring and on the rail.


Second Place:  3

Entry number: 1562

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: Emsoff #516

Breed: Hampshire X

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



I will grant at first glance I had the second place lamb 3, winning the class, however, upon close evaluation I found the overall length, twist depth of 4 superior to 3. From the profile 3 is on the low side of moderate frame. It is my opinion that some breeders are forsaking length to get the extremely thick, smaller framed lambs. If this trend continues it will lead to increased lambing problems. The moderate length neck is squarely placed. It just may be the pic but it appears to me this lamb has a knot in the center of the spine and this takes from overall appearance. The rib design is correct as is the flank fullness.

From the rear 3 is wide and flat over the rack and the loin with loin depth. To me it does appear as the lamb is slightly pinched in the pins and does not have the depth of twist nor as much muscle in the lower third as the class winner 4. This lamb should hang an attractive carcass.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 1548:
Exhibitor: Remspt8
State: CA
Sheep name/number: 568
Breed: Crossbred



Lamb 2 slides into the third slot because of it’s pretty profile, proper neck placement and long level top line including a long level hip with correct rib shape and rear flank fullness. From the rear this lamb gives up muscle to the two lambs placing above it. I would like to see heavier bone and more muscle mass through the lower third.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 1421



1 drops to fourth in the class because this ewe lamb is too fine bone, has the least amount of muscle of any of the four. From the rear she is narrow in the pins and has the least amount of muscle, especially in the lower third of any of the 4.

Again, The class places 4-3-2-1 with cuts of 1-2-4. Comments are welcomed and appreciated, OG


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