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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 60-69 lbs

Class number:  367        Class Date:  15/5/15

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


Judging Contest Winners: 

15-18: 2TLivestock

Over 18: meyershowlambs


Official Placing: 2-4-1-3
Cuts: 4-3-5

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1477

Exhibitor: Sheepsnpygs

State: OH

Sheep name/number: Pedro

Breed: Hampshire X



From the profile, #2 is the straightest made, best balanced lamb of the class. He is extremely level from shoulder to dock, smooth fronted, and proportional in his depth of body. From the rear view, he shows more shape and width in his rack, loin, and rump. To be more ideal, he needs to be squared up at his hock as he gets outside his skeletal width.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1575

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Breed: Suffolk X

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



In a close middle pair, I prefer the extra width and muscle of the #4 wether. He is a tall shouldered, level made sheep that is stronger in his topline than #1. Although he is expressive in his muscle pattern, he lacks the overall width and dimension of the class winner. He too needs to be squared up on his rear two, as he tends to hock in slightly.


Third Place:  1

Entry number: 1359



The #1 lamb is a very attractive profiling sheep being tall fronted, long necked, and heavy boned. He stands wide and square on his feet and legs, and is expressive muscled. To move up in class, he needs to be stronger behind his blades, leveler rumped, and heavier conditioned.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1523



I chose to round out the class with the white faced wether. He is tall a shouldered sheep with good thickness and expression. To be more competitive in the class, he needs to balance better by being shallower chested and deeper flanked. He also lacks the squareness of muscle and heaviness of structure the higher placing lambs exhibit.


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