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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 70-79 lbs

Class number:  379        Class Date:  4/30/16

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Brooke

15-18: Ty Davis

Over 18: ksjoat


Official Placing: 3-4-2-1
Cuts: 4-5-3

First Place:  (1st)

Entry number: 1609

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: Emsoff #604

Breed: Hampshire X

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



#3 suits me as the best looking, squarest made lamb in the class. From the profile, he is the neatest fronted, best balanced, and straightest topped. From behind, he stands squarely and has good thickness of muscle throughout.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1615

Exhibitor: Sheepsnpygs

State: OH

Sheep name/number: Mullikin

Breed: cross



The #4 wether is long bodied and heavy structured. He is a shallow fronted lamb that shows tremendous muscle volume from the rear. To be more ideal, he needs to be straighter topped and more level rumped.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 1607



In a closer bottom pair, I prefer the extra extension and added muscle of the #2 ewe lamb. To place higher, she needs to be straighter topped and heavier structured.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 1211



The #1 sheep rounds out the class as one that shows good muscle shape down his top. From the side, he lacks the balance and structure found in the higher placing animals.


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