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Prospect/Feeder Lambs

Class number:  003        Class Date:  6/10/07

Judge:   Gail Christian

Judging Contest Winners:  Bug126, traveler234 


This class easily breaks into a top group; A, E, & D and a bottom group; F, B, & C.


First Place:  A

Entry number: 013

Exhibitor:  mm

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  0708

Breed:  Hampshire X

Weight:  65



I placed A first in this class and over E in an extremely close placing.  However, to me A exhibits the most balance and appears to be longer sided.  I like the long neck that sits on top of the shoulder.  A appears to be clean in the brisket, wide through the chest floor and brings this width all the way back. Both A and E appear to be medium frame (length of cannon) and both are correct in their skeletal structure. I believe A is clean through the shoulder, wide and level over the rack and gets progressively wider as you go down the rack and loin. I appreciate the long, level hip, width and squareness through the pins, depth of twist, and bulge through the stifle (lower outside leg). An extremely nice profiling lamb that catches your eye.


Second Place:  E

Entry number: 024

Exhibitor:  barrleracingpunkchic

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  Bear

Breed:  Suffolk/Hampshire

Weight:  75



E is an easy second. This lamb is a true power lamb with profile. I would like to stretch this lamb's neck out and if I could, it would be longer sided.  I would grant that E is probably thicker over the rack and loin than A, however, this is offset by the superior length of side of A.  E is a little round in its muscle.  However, this does not bother me in this type of lamb.


Third Place:  D

Entry number: 034

Exhibitor:  Sam1

State:  KS

Sheep name/number:  Y07-27

Breed:  Hampshire X

Weight:  85

Website:  www.greatlambs.com



I placed D third in this class.  However, if this lamb was set up a little different I might move it up to second and over E because D does appear to be longer sided than E. It is a power lamb with a lot of substance of bone and a bulging forearm which would suggest a wide top (rack) and loin.  I would like to raise him at the dock and that would square up the pins. He appears to be medium plus frame and might be the longest sided lamb in the class.


Fourth Place:  F

Entry number: 041




F, B, and C are easily placed at the bottom of this class with F placing over B & C.  F is a rugged individual.  However, she lacks the correctness of skeletal structure to place any higher in this class.  She is too rounded at the point of shoulder and this causes the shoulder blade to lie in at an incorrect angle. She is fairly balanced but doesn't appear to be smooth in her muscle pattern. I will grant that she is wide over the rack and loin and has moderate depth of twist with some bulge through the stifle, however, she slopes off the hip and her dock set is too low. She possesses more desirable traits than the bottom pair.


Fifth Place:  B

Entry number: 040



B and C easily place at the bottom of the class. They both lack the correctness of skeletal structure, are weak and narrow over the top and loin and they both slope off in the hip and lack the depth of twist and muscle through the stifle that we are looking for.


Sixth Place:  C

Entry number: 035




 I placed B over C because of the longer length of side.

Again, I placed this class of prospect/feeder lambs A, E, D, F, B,  C.


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