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Ram Lambs 0-4 months

Class number:  008        Class Date:  7/4/07

Judge:   Sam Funk


Judging Contest Winners:  AZChamp, chadam, dc05, EmsoffLambs, holliterman36, ilovesuffolks, PTCClublambs, RyThurston, true 


Personal Placing:  1, 3, 2, 4

Official Placing:  1, 3, 2, 4

Cuts:  4,4,3


Easily starting this class with the most balanced and level ram of the four, I preferred the alignment 1, 3, 2, 4 in this class of ram lambs.

First Place:  1

Entry number:  007

Exhibitor:  Cherimy

State:  OR

Sheep name/number:  Anonymous

Breed:  Wether Sire



The most fault-free lamb in the class with the highest pin setting sorts his way to the top of this class readily with the other lambs having significant weakness over their toplines, rolling off their hips or both.


Second Place:  3

Entry number:  043

Exhibitor:  AZChamp

State:  AZ

Sheep name/number:  0044 Shine 'Em Up!

Breed:  Hampshire X



While the most expressively muscled lamb in the class is 3, he is not as level across his top. 

In a middle decision, the cleaner front of 3 places him over the unshorn lamb.  3 is also leveler from hooks to pins. 


Third Place:  2

Entry number:  033



While the posed, dark-fleeced lamb appears to set down with more width; his breast bone is more undesirable and the shorter necked lamb belongs in the bottom pair of more structurally incorrect lambs. 

Still in a bottom pair of lambs with structural issues, the apparently more level 2 places over the rough-topped 4. 


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number:  069



4 may be the cleaner-chested and longer necked ram, but he presents the least desirable topline and sorts to the bottom readily. 


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