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Market Lambs 111-120 lbs.

Class number:  011        Class Date:  7/17/07

Judge:   Sam Funk



Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:


Over 18:


 Personal Placing:  2, 4, 3, 1

Official Placing:  2, 4, 3, 1

Cuts:  3, 2, 4

First Place:  2

Entry number: 051

Exhibitor: chadam

State: WA

Breed: Hampshire X



The most expressively muscled lamb through the leg when viewed from behind with the most desirable front starts the class.  Although he appears to be somewhat pinched at his hip-loin junction he nonetheless wins this class for the overall balance we can see here.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 077

Exhibitor: Fflick

State: CO

Sheep name/number: Tank

Breed: Suffolk X



Although dark-pelted lamb appears to be longer hipped and more correct in his hip-loin junction, this lamb places second to the most powerful lamb in the class that appears to be the cleanest fronted with a nicer set to the neck.


Third Place:  3

Entry number: 074



In a closer middle decision, the leveler hip and seemingly larger racked dark lamb places over the steepest-rumped lamb in the class.  The 3 lamb may be slightly longer sided, but the nod for length of hip, rack shape, and apparent advantage in percent hind-saddle goes to 4.


In a bottom decision of lambs that provide the most questions for muscle expression, I prefer 3 over 1.  The extension and considerably more muscular leg of 3 overwhelms 1.  Additionally, 3 is a smoother fronted lamb.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 047



While the 1 lamb may be higher in the pin setting, this lamb easily places at the bottom of this class as the narrowest rumped lamb with the least muscle expression when viewed from behind.


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