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Yearling Ewes

Class number:  014        Class Date:  8/1/07

Judge:   Sam Funk


Judging Contest Winner:  autumnsplendor1, clublamb07, EmsoffLambs, hamp13, holliterman36, shropgirl, Sooner04


Official Placing:  4, 1, 2, 3

Cuts:  3, 6, 2

First Place:  4

Entry number:  091

Exhibitor:  wuvewes

State:  IA

Sheep name/number:  6292

Breed:  Cross

Website:  www.moserclublambs.com



Starting this class with the most complete ewe that rises to the top, I would still like to see her higher in her pin setting with a stronger, straighter top and more substance of bone.


Second Place:  1

Entry number:  029

Exhibitor:  chadam

State:  WA

Breed:  Hampshire X



In the top pair, 4 places over 1 for her additional extension and femininity.  1 appears to be a broodier type ewe already in the breeding pen and may be a stronger through her rack.  However, she appears to be somewhat coarser through her front than 4.

Still in a middle decision, I prefer the functionality and eye appeal of 1 over 2.  1 is especially stronger topped and exhibits more natural muscle expression making this the easiest pair in the class.


Third Place:  2

Entry number:  030



In a bottom pair, where neither ewe is desirable for show or producing show lambs, I will resort to choosing the most practical sheep for a commercial flock.  Thus, I determined to use the more commercially useful 2 over 3.  While I may prefer the cleaner lines and somewhat more upfronted profile view of 3 over 2; 2 is a heavier bodied ewe with more practical applications.  I do not believe that 2 would be any more attractive or heavier muscled than the 3 ewe if both carried the same amount of condition.  However, 2 is the longer bodied, apparently easier fleshing ewe compared with 3.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number:  048





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