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Market Lambs 125-134 lbs.

Class number:  016        Class Date:  8/10/07

Judge:   Larry Carter


Judging Contest Winner:  cwsmith, Fang


Official Placing:  3, 4, 2, 1

Cuts:  4, 3, 1


I place our class of  125 to 134 pound market lambs  3, 4, 2, 1.  Cuts are 4, 3, 1.  

First Place:  3

Entry number:  093

Exhibitor:  wuvewes

State:  IA

Sheep name/number:  7100

Breed:  Cross

Website:  www.moserclublambs.com



We start our class with the 3 Suffolk wether as the most complete lamb in the class, exhibiting a smooth muscle pattern down the top and the most  attractive muscle viewed from the rear.  Granted the wether is not quite as level out the dock as our 4 lamb in second but  carries a deeper twist and an overall balance we don't find in the remainder of the class.


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  101

Exhibitor:  EmsoffLambs

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  118

Breed:  Suffolk X

Website:  www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



The 4 lamb places second  to our class winner lacking the style and balance of the first place lamb.  4 does not have the smoothness down the top or depth of twist of the 3 lamb.  4 narrows at the loin, is less than correct around the dock area and is shorter from flank to flank compared to our class winner.


Third Place:  2

Entry number:  88



In our bottom pair I place 2 over 1.  Granted 2 is a narrower made finer boned type of lamb but places over the 1 lamb being more correctly finished than our fat ewe lamb. Both lambs roll off at the dock and lack the overall attractiveness to place higher.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  076



As you can see by the cuts this pair could easily be switched taking the superior muscle  of 1 ahead of 2.


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