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Ewe Lambs 5-11 Months

Class number:  036        Class Date:  12/29/07

Judge:   Larry Carter



Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  AndrewR

15-18:  cwsmith, JohnnyR

Over 18:  PeteM


Official Placing: 4, 2, 3, 1

Cuts:  3, 2, 10


These ewes could be placed anyway you like for a number of reasons – as long as 1 goes to the bottom of the class.

First Place:  4

Entry number:  197

Exhibitor:  piper88

State:  NC

Sheep name/number:  Calamity

Breed:  Suffolk X



4 starts this class for having fewer faults than the others.  The dark fibered ewe would be more attractive if she were higher in her pin setting and thus leveler out her dock and she does not have her neck coming straight up from her shoulders.  However, she is the high volume, deep bodied, longer sided ewe with ample muscle to lead the class.


Second Place:  2

Entry number:  181

Exhibitor:  DC

State:  AZ

Sheep name/number:  Hurliman

Breed:  Blackface Cross



2 follows our class winner as the well designed ewe that lacks width when viewed from the rear, especially compared to 3. 


2 is a square made lamb that has some redeeming qualities in her profile and is longer sided than 3, but she is the tight ribbed ewe that is the narrowest in the class when viewed from behind and from that shot her front legs are practically inseparable.  Thus she places second in class.


Third Place:  3

Entry number:  191



Still in our middle pair we have the 3 lamb. 3 is the shortest hipped lamb in class with too much volume in the front third to balance her short length flank to flank.


The cleaner lines and attractive profile of 2 places her above 1.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  046



The obvious place in the class is for 1 to go last.  This is the steep hipped, off balance ewe that doesn’t provide us any qualities that would place her over other ewes in the class.  Granted 1 is the higher volume ewe than 3, but as discussed, she is the plain, steep hipped ewe in the class that offers the least qualities to produce future show lambs.


As the cuts indicate switching the middle pair doesn't mean anyone judging bombed the class. I do think missing the top or bottom ewe should be cause for more study.


I want to thank my very good friend Sam Funk for his help.  Use of his spreadsheet and comments were invaluable.


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