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Prospect/Feeder Lambs

Class number:  058        Class Date:  6/14/08

Judge:   Gail Christian



Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  Folchi1

15-18:  ilovesuffolks

Over 18:  cindyfreed, Ladyshrops2, prd


Official Placing:  3, 4, 2, 1

Cuts:  2, 1, 4

First, I would like to state I believe we have some prospects in this class, however, nothing jumped out at me.  I DO NOT recommend buying lambs this young because they can change so  much between this age and weaning age.  I will give a description as to how I see each individual lamb, then the official placing.

First Place:  3

Entry number:  278

Exhibitor:  shepherdmom

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  812

Breed:  Suffolk/Hampshire X



Lamb 3... This lamb gets my attention from the profile.  Long neck properly attached; up-fronted; neatly balanced; long, level hip; and medium plus in frame.  From the rear he looks correct over his top of shoulder, wide, square over his rack and loin, deep in th twist, and muscular through the stifle.


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  279

Exhibitor:  shepherdmom

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  814

Breed:  Suffolk/Hampshire X



Lamb 4...  My most difficult placing was between lamb 4 and 2.  4 fits the description of a power lamb.  Balanced from the profile; long hipped that does drop off a bit at the dock.  From the rear he might be a tad too flat over the top of shoulder, however, he is wide and square over the rack and loin and appears correct at the loin edge.  I would like to raise his dock set about one inch.  The way he is braced he appears too rounded in his leg muscle, especially through the center of the stifle.  He is deep in the twist, doesn't appear to hock on the profile view, however, does appear to hock from the rear view.  I believe this is due to a hard brace on the trimming table.


Third Place:  2

Entry number:  277



Lamb 2...  Lamb 2 is hard for me to properly evaluate. He looks fairly balanced from the side and appears long sided.  He might be a little prominent at the points.  Looks long and level in the hip.  Appears to be tight over top of shoulder.  I would just like to see more eye appeal in this lamb.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  275



Lamb 1...  From the profile I do not see the balance that I am looking for.  First, this lamb has a low neck set. Second, he appears to dip behind the shoulder.  From the rear he looks too flat over the top of the shoulder.  Although it appears wide and square over the rack and loin it appears too rounded in the leg muscle.  However, turn this lamb loose and let it walk around and I might move it to the top.

Again, the most difficult placing for me was the middle pair, 4 and 2.  I see the class placing 3, 4 2, 1 with cuts of 2, 1, 4. 

(Participants, you are bound to have lambs weaned and on feed.  Get some pictures of already weaned lambs on feed and submit to the Online Sheep Show and let's judge something other than babies.  Thanks, Gail Christian)


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