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Prospect/Feeder Lambs

Class number:  059        Class Date:  6/21/08

Judge:   Vance Christie


Judging Contest Winners:

Under 15:  gap12

15-18:  AW, bluesheep, ilovesuffolks, redewe, suffolkclover, whitewether1218

Over 18:  2TMOM, allison04, cindyfreed, dockrock, EmsoffLambs, ewegogirl, ewemama1, JKColorado, Lucy, mm, shadowran, Storm33, yeslek


Official Placing:  2, 3, 4, 1

Cuts:  4, 3, 8

First Place:  2

Entry number:  285

Exhibitor:  Evaluator

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  0803

Breed:  Hampshire X

Website:  www.clublambpage.com/wonnell



The ewe lamb dominates this class, regardless of what you chose to compare, she is more ideal in most traits than the three wethers.  If I want to be very critical, she may get a touch round through the point of her shoulders.  Outside of that, she is clearly the best balanced, most eye appealing lamb in the class, and compared to 3 is shallower in her chest floor, has more width and shape to her top and loin, and appears slightly fuller an plumper in her leg.


Second Place:  3

Entry number:  288

Exhibitor:  ncbuckhunter01

State:  NC

Sheep name/number:  Hank

Breed:  Hampshire/Suffolk X



3 is certainly square docked and deep twisted, however lacks the style and design of the ewe lamb. Yet when evaluated in regards to 4, he is more elevated in his dock, shows a great deal more expression and muscle shape, especially in the lower and outer portion of his leg, and is certain to feed out and develop as the heavier muscled of the pair.


Third Place:  4

Entry number:  304



I'll be the first to admit that 4 is tucked neater through his breast plate, and is tremendous in the stoutness of bone he possesses, but is too light muscled to compete with the lead pair.  Still he has a major advantage in regards to his pelt and structure.  The tighter hided lamb of the bottom pair stands squarer and more correct off of his hind two, appears to be much more muscular down his top, and simply has more show lamb look to him versus 1.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  263



Sure 1 is a long sided, level topped wether, but that is where his advantages end.  In reality he is a bad-hided, light muscled wether that is blown out in his hocks and appears very stale in the photo.

Officials on the class are 2, 3, 4, 1 with cuts of 4, 3, 8.  With one that good to start, and the other on the bottom, we might as well use all 15 on the cuts!


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