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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 70-75 lbs.

Class number:  069        Class Date:  9/6/08

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  Wyatt

15-18:  Curlie, whitewhether1518, Yeager

Over 18:  BAMA, dc05, EmsoffLambs, ewegogirl, nslough, r2jhurst


Official Placing:  4, 2, 1, 3

Cuts:  4, 1, 5


I placed this class 4, 2, 1, 3.  I thought  4 sorted its way to the top of the class rather easily.  I saw the middle pair,2 and 1, as the most similar and if you switched this pair I would not argue with you.  Too me, just as 4 was an easy top placing, I thought 3 was an easy bottom placing.


Here is the way I see each lamb in the class:

First Place:  4

Entry number:  303

Exhibitor:  2TLivestock

State:  NE

Sheep name/number:    Spec

Breed:  Dorset/Suffolk



Lamb 4.  I believe this is the most complete lamb in the class and shows the most balance.  She has  straight top and bottom lines, is really clean about the shoulder, smooth at the points, and the long neck ties in at the top of the shoulder.  She is long sided and long hipped.  I do fault her for sloping off the hip and dock.  I would sure like to raise her pin placement.  Although not deep twisted, she is adequate in depth.  I really cannot determine if she is wide and square over the rack and loin.  She does appear to taper over the loin and if she does this is a negative.


Second Place:  2

Entry number:  295

Exhibitor:  2TLivestock

State:  NE

Sheep name/number:  5208

Breed:  Suffolk



In the middle pair, 2 and 1, I see very little difference in the quality of these lambs.  (If fed and shown correctly I believe their individual placing would be determined by showmanship if shown in the same class.)


I do believe 2 is a little longer sided than 1 and I believe she is a little more balanced.  I fault both for sloping hips and being narrow in the pin set.  They are both shallow in depth of twist and appear sloping and narrow over the rack and loin.


Third Place:  1

Entry number:  294





Fourth Place:  3

Entry number:  302



I believe 3 goes to the bottom of the class rather easily.  3 appears short sided, slopes from hooks to pins, is narrow in the pin set, shallow in depth of twist, and is lacking in muscle through the stifle and lower third.  3 also appears round at the point of shoulder and is narrow over the rack and loin.


Again, I placed the class 4, 2, 1, 3 with cuts of 4, 1, 5.


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