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Ram Lambs 0-4 months

Class number:  070        Class Date:  9/13/08

Judge:   Vance Christie


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  CrazySuey

15-18:  bluesheep, clublamb07, Kingsflock, suffolkclover, whitewether1518, wuv_ewes, Yeager

Over 18:  bringham, californiadreaming, cindyfreed, dc05, EmsoffLambs, Ladshrops2, nslough, Shootingstar, woolpuller


Official Placing:  4, 2, 3, 1

Cuts:  4, 3, 3


In a class of ram lambs, where it is difficult to find a sure enough stud ram prospect, I place them 4, 2, 3, 1 with cuts of 4, 3, 3.

First Place:  4

Entry number: 355

Exhibitor:  suffolkclover

State:  MI

Sheep name/number:  200 Proof

Breed:  Hampshire

Website:  jsclublambs.bravehost.com/index.htm



4 is easily the heaviest muscled, stoutest constructed ram that simply out powers the remaining lambs.  I'll be the first to admit that he needs to be more elevated in the floor of his chest, and at this age ideally needs to be cleaner fronted and flatter and tighter in his shoulder.  Still, he is the most structurally correct of the 4, being leveler and squarer out of his dock, more elevated in his pasterns and stronger at his hip loin juncture than 2.  In addition he is thicker and fuller over his rack and loin, is deeper twisted, and I predict he would be the one that would inject the most stoutness of construction and overall muscularity in the flock if chosen as a replacement.


Second Place:  2

Entry number:  284

Exhibitor:  PAFFAStarFarmer07

State:  PA

Sheep name/number:  0040

Breed:  Suffolk/Hampshire



2 is certainly a big hipped, cleaner fronted prospect, however he lacks the mass and structural correctness of the class winner.  Specifically he is weak pasterned and pinches more than I prefer at his hip-loin.  Yet when compared to the dark fibered buck, he is leveler and fuller out of his dock, wider in his pin set, and overall a better balanced sheep.  He is much flatter over the point of his shoulder, his neck ties better to the top of his shoulder, and he is shallower fronted in relation to his depth of flank as well.


Third Place:  3

Entry number:  352



3 is very intriguing from the rear, appearing to be square and full over his rack and loin and very plump through his center leg.  However, when you get him on the profile he is extremely out of balance, being deeper fronted and appearing to slope and taper from is hooks to dock.  On the other hand, I choose to use his added size, and condition to primarily place him over 1.  He appears to have more width and shape to his top from the rear, and although he is longer docked than 1, I am certain that he is truly leveler out of his hip.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  283



1 presents a problem in this class being the youngest and extremely green when compared to the other three.  There is just too much prediction that would have to go into moving him higher in this group.  He is certainly a jack-fronted lamb that appears to have a great deal of muscle draped over his forearm.  Yet in reality he is the thinnest, barest of the four that gets off in his dock, is shallow twisted and at this point the lightest muscled.

Again I placed them 4, 2, 3, 1 with cuts of 4, 3, 3.


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