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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 90-99 lbs.

Class number:  076        Class Date:  10/25/08

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  michaelT6676

15-18:  Alamb, Kingsflock

Over 18:  PrincessShrop, Shootingstar


Official Placing:  1, 4, 2, 3

Cuts:  2, 5, 2


I believe this is a two pair class: 1 and 4, and 2 and 3.  This is the way I see the class... 

First Place:  1

Entry number:  174

Exhibitor:  2TLivestock

State:  NE

Sheep name/number:  Studmuffin a.k.a. Weeman

Breed:  Dorset/Hampshire



I'm starting the class with 1, which I believe is the most complete lamb in the class.  Very balanced with level top and bottom lines.  If I could change one thing about this lamb it would be to lengthen him out a little bit, however, for his frame, medium, his length sure adds to his balance.  From the rear this lamb exhibits the wide, square top and loin that I sure appreciate.  He shows extreme length of hip, wide and square through the dock, depth of twist, and tremendous muscle in the lower third.  He is a great prospect.


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  379

Exhibitor:  shepherdmom

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  810

Breed:  Hampshire/Suffolk



I'm going with 4 for second.  This is a nice lamb that would exhibit greater eye appeal if set up a little differently.  Move the left rear leg back where it would square up the corners (view this from the rear) and don't have the neck tilted as far forward, and this would sure level out this lamb.  It is level in its top and bottom lines and it does exhibit balance.  When viewed from the rear the "butterfly top" jumps out at you.  Wide and flat over the rack and loin, long, level hip, and looks to be real square through the dock and pins.  It does show adequate depth of twist, however, I would like to see more muscle expression through the lower third.


Third Place:  2

Entry number:  335



2 and 3 would show more correctness and balance if they were set up correctly.  Although they both exhibit a lot of body length, I see more evidence of thickness and muscle in the blue lamb, 2.  She is extremely clean through the shoulder and front and she is real long hipped, I would criticize her for her sloping hip.  The main difference I see in these two lambs is 2 is a lot thicker over the rack and loin and shows more expression of muscle when viewed from the rear.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number:  371



In placing 3 last, I do appreciate the length of 3.  I would like to level him through the hip, raise the dock, and have more depth of twist and muscle expression through the lower third.


For these reasons I place the class 1, 4, 2, 3 with cuts of 2, 5, 2.


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