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Market Lambs 131-140 lbs.

Class number:  079        Class Date:  11/15/08

Judge:   Del Petersen & Clemente Ayon


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: syoung5

15-18:  2TLivestock, ewegobaa, jvwv90, whitewether1518

Over 18:  ewemama1, Hannaram, jkcolorado, jozo, PAFFAStarFarmer07, ptr, TurboDieselGirl


Official Placing:  4, 2, 3, 1

Cuts:  2, 3, 4


We placed this class of Market lambs 4, 2, 3, 1.  We felt there was an easy thing to do right off the bat and that is to put 1 last.  Then you have 3 lambs to sort through.

First Place:  4

Entry number:  391

Exhibitor:  syoung5

State:  OH

Sheep name/number:  Max

Breed:  Crossbred



We started our top pair with the two heaviest muscled lambs that have the thickest tops and most muscle through their leg.  We used the heavier boned blue lamb over 2 as he is longer bodied and is fresher and fuller through his loin.  No doubt about it that 2 is stronger on his pasterns and is cleaner in his chest floor, but we faulted him and used him second as he is shorter bodied and weak in his loin.


Second Place:  2

Entry number:  364

Exhibitor:  bizebea

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  Robin



2 beats 3 in the middle pair, as 2 is heavier muscled.  2 is thicker down his top, deeper through his twist and is wider from stifle to stifle.  Granted 3 is longer from flank to flank, but we criticized him and placed him third as he is narrower made, being narrower down his top and being flatter through his leg.


Third Place:  3

Entry number:  382



3 is easily used over 1 in the bottom pair.  3 excels in his balance and show ring appeal.  From the side, he is smoother shouldered, stronger topped and leveler hipped.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  348



We admit 1 appears to be deeper through his twist. However we faulted him and placed him last, as he is a poor balanced, slack framed lamb that is coarse shouldered, weak topped and low docked.


Therefore we placed the class 4, 2, 3, 1 with cuts of 2, 3, 4.


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