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Market Lambs 121-130 lbs.

Class number:  080        Class Date:  11/29/08

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  DustyDividers, michaelt6676

15-18:  ewegobaa, jvwv90, kaiti, kingsflock, ruffianhamp, showgirl95, suffolkclover, TrentVD

Over 18:  agrlambman, classic1112, dockrock, js, scootermagoo, Shootingstar, tiler


Official Placing:  2, 4, 3, 1

Cuts:  3, 5, 1


I believe you have an easy top pair, 2 and 4, and that 3 and 1 fall easily into the bottom pair.

First Place:  2

Entry number:  366

Exhibitor:  Alamb

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  Zipp

Breed:  Hampshire X



I'm starting the class with number 2 which I believe is the most balanced complete lamb in the class.  Granted, I would like to raise the dock on this stylish ewe lamb, however, she is exceptionally clean through the front, long rack and hindsaddle and long-sided.  From the rear she demonstrates an explosive rack and loin and has tremendous depth of twist and a flair through the stifle.


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  380

Exhibitor:  shepherdmom

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  814

Breed:  Hampshire/Suffolk



I see 4 second in the class and over number 3 in an easy placing.  Due to not being set up correct this lamb does not command my attention when viewed on the profile. Due to the handlers leg covering up the front end I cannot determine if the lamb is clean fronted or not, however, I suspect that it is not.  Again, this lamb would look more complete if the dock set was and inch or two higher.  From the rear 4 does look wide, square and long over the rack and loin.  Again, good depth of twist, however, not enough leg muscle to play with lamb 2.


Third Place:  3

Entry number:  378



To me, the most difficult placing was the bottom pair, 3 and 1.  I found faults with both lambs, just not as many with 3.


From the side 3 does look long- sided.  acceptable in the front, however, the hump over the loin gives me the impression this lamb breaks behind the shoulder.  Also, I do not see evidence of lower leg muscle as viewed from the profile.  From the rear, the lamb does show adequate depth of twist, but, not much muscle expression through the stifle.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  362



1 is an attractive lamb on the profile and this lamb looks long-sided.  She does slope off the hip, is a touch shallow boned, and shows quite a bit of spring of rib.  Again, a close placing.


For these reasons I placed the class 2, 4, 3, 1 with cuts of 3, 5, 1.


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