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Market Lambs 131-140 lbs.

Class number:  083        Class Date:  12/13/08

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  CrazySuey, ShelbySue, showgirl95, SuzyQz

15-18:  2TLivestock, jvwv90, kaiti, shea15, suffolkclover, TrentVD

Over 18:  basco, DownSouthSouthdowns, ewemama1, js, lambman87, megan9, PTR, shepherdmom, Shootingstar, yeslek


Official Placing:  2, 3, 4, 1

Cuts:  5, 1, 7


I see an easy top lamb in this class, a close middle pair, and an easy bottom lamb.  I see the class placing 2, 3, 4, 1 with cuts of 5, 1, 7.

First Place:  2

Entry number:  393

Exhibitor:  classic1112

State:  OH

Sheep name/number:  Blue

Breed:  Crossbred



I'm starting the class with 2 which rises to the top of the class rather easily.  2 is the most complete, balanced lamb in the class.  Straight in its top and bottom lines, longest lamb in the class from flank to flank, and is wide and square over the rack and loin, with a long level hip.  From the rear it exhibits excellent depth of twist and shows muscle through the stifle and lower third.  A real eye catching wether lamb.


Second Place:  3

Entry number:  396

Exhibitor:  Curlie

State:  UT

Sheep name/number:  Doc

Breed:  Suffolk/Hampshire



To me, the most difficult placing is the middle pair, 3 and 4.  Both of these lambs are too heavy in the shoulder and too round at the points.  I'm giving the advantage to 3 for second based on length of body.  I would like to clean up the front of this lamb and level the hip.  It does have depth of twist and flair through the stifle.


Third Place:  4

Entry number:  400



I'm placing 4 third in the class granting this lamb does have more than sufficient muscle.  It is too heavy in the shoulder and does roll off the dock.  4 does easily place over 1 for third.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number:  350



I'm placing 1 at the bottom of the class.  This lamb is off in neck placement ,slopes off the dock, is shallow in the twist, and lacks muscle through the stifle.  I found this lamb narrow over the rack and loin and lacking in eye appeal.


For these reasons I'm placing the class 2, 3, 4, 1 with cuts of 5, 1, 7.  I appreciate all of you that have participated in the contest and hope each of you have a wonderful holiday season.  Looking forward to ‘09 and more classes to judge...OG


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