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Finewool Prospect/Feeder Lambs

Class number:  103        Class Date:  6/20/09

Judge:   Gail Christian


Note:  This class is set up to demonstrate what a buyer might find when looking at lambs from a single breeder.  This class will count toward the Judging Contest, but the lambs will not be eligible for champion at the end of the year.  All of the lambs are exhibited by SmithLivestockTX of Texas.

Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: ShelbySue

15-18: kingsflock

Over 18: woolpuller


Official Placing: 4, 1, 2, 3
Cuts: 1, 2, 1

All 4 lambs in this class are excellent prospects and possess many desirable traits associated with the Finewool breed and market lambs in general.
I doubt if they were all placed on feed at the same time,therefore, they have some variance as to the degree of body condition. I believe the class breaks down to a top pair,1 and 4 and a bottom pair, 2 and 3.

First Place:  4

Entry number: 483

Exhibitor: SmithLivestockTX

State: TX

Sheep name/number: 905

Breed: Finewool



Today, I'm starting the class with the wether lamb 4. Realizing this lamb does not present the eye appeal of the ewe lamb 1 nor does it look as fresh in it's handle, she wasn't castrated either. You have to realize this is a prospect.feeder class and view down the road in this placing.

4 is a meat wagon. Although it might appear to be a tad short sided this is due to it's extreme thickness. Don't get riled up over the un-eveness over the top of the loin. This is typical of lambs that have extremely wide thick tops that exhibit depth at the loin edge. Yes, I would like to lengthen the neck, but, not at the expense of losing muscle thickness. 4 is well balanced, clean at the points, long in the rack and saddle, long hipped. Yes, I would like to level out the hip. When viewed from the rear you can determine this lamb has thickness over the rack with a massive top. Also long, level, and wide over the loin with extreme depth of loin edge. Tremendous depth of twist for a breed that is not necessarily known for depth in this area. 4 shows evidence of both inside and outside muscle, especially through the stifle. To further complement his positive attributes he stands on a lot of substance of bone.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 476

Exhibitor: SmithLivestockTX

State: TX

Sheep name/number: 903

Breed: Finewool



I placed the ewe lamb, 1, second in this class. she has everything a breeder would be looking for in this breed. Extremely well balanced. tremendous eye appeal. Long and level in both top and bottom lines, wide over the rack and loin. Muscle comes down to the hock. Great bone substance, great depth of twist. I just don't see the overall muscle potential as 4.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 481



Today, I see 2 over 3, but, with additional days on feed, that could change. 3 appears a little longer sided than 2, however, I believe this is due to the angle of the picture. 2 might show a little more balance than 3. 2 might have the advantage in lower leg, This lamb is going to be thick over the rack and loin.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 482




I'm placing 3 at the bottom of the class. However, this lamb, with additional feed could work his way up. He is smooth in muscle pattern, appears to be long sided, and does have squareness through the dock.

Again, a great class of excellent prospect lambs that possess excellent potential..the placing. 4, 1, 2, 3 with cuts of 1, 2, 1.


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