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Market Lambs 121-130 lbs.

Class number:  114        Class Date:  9/26/09

Judge:   Del Petersen & Clemente Ayon


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: 1412

15-18: babyewe

Over 18: js


Official Placing:  3, 2, 4, 1
Cuts:  4, 2, 3

We placed the class of wethers 3, 2, 4, 1.

First Place:  3

Entry number: 521

Exhibitor: prd

State: MO

Sheep name/number: 929

Breed: cross

Website: www.freewebs.com/dotyclublambs



We chose to start with the most balanced lamb that combines muscle and structural correctness.  Ideally we would like to see him more expressively muscled.

Nevertheless, we still used him over 2 in our top pair of the more attractive profiling wethers.  3 is nicer fronted being smoother shouldered, particularly as he blends in through his neck.  3 also stands on a squarer set of legs as he has a more correct set to his hock and knees.


Second Place:  2

Entry number: 516

Exhibitor: Lambquarters

State: OH

Sheep name/number: Hoss

Breed: Suffolk

Website: www.freewebs.com/lambquartersfarm/



We admit 2 is more expressive in his muscle shape, yet we faulted him and placed him second as he is bolder in his shoulder and is hocked in and over at his knee.

Even so in our middle pair, we used 2 over the blue lamb.  As 2 is the nicer profiling wether that is straighter in his lines, more specifically he is stronger topped, and leveler out of his hip.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 526



Granted 4 is stouter boned and more dimensional out of his hip and is more correctly set on his front legs, yet we faulted him and placed him third as he is u-necked, broken topped, round out his dock and appears to stand sickle hocked on the side view.

Despite these criticisms, we still preferred the dark fibered lamb over 1 in our bottom pair of the two poorer balanced lambs.  4 out powers 1 in terms of shear mass of muscle from the angles given.  He is more dimensional out of his hip and is wider from stifle to stifle, which we are sure will hang a shapelier carcass of that pair.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 504



We do admit 1 is heavy boned, really extended about his front end and long bodied, yet we faulted him and placed him last as he is not only is one of the poorest profiling lambs in the class, but he is the narrowest made lightest muscled wether of the four.

Therefore we place the class 3, 2, 4, 1 with cuts of 4, 2, 3.


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