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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 70-79 lbs.

Class number:  146        Class Date:  6/5/10

Judge:   Del Petersen & Clement Ayon


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: chickenandsheepgal

15-18: shae15

Over 18: lm1668, Lucy


Official Placing: 3, 1, 2, 4
Cuts: 3, 2, 4

We placed the class of prospect feeder lambs 3, 1, 2, 4.

First Place:  3

Entry number: 676

Exhibitor: Kingsflock

State: MD

Sheep name/number: 1002

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.kingshowlambs.com



We chose to start with the nicest balanced, most correctly made lamb that best combines muscle thickness to win the class.  We do realize it is not the heaviest muscled in class.

Nonetheless, we still believe he beats the only ewe lamb in our top pair.  The wether is a later maturing lamb that is taller fronted, smoother shouldered, stronger topped and leveler out of his hip.  These indicators should prove he could continue to be a more productive, faster growing lamb, leaner made lamb at a heavier weight.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 599

Exhibitor: GeorgiaW

State: AZ

Sheep name/number: Parrot

Breed: Suffolk/Hampshire



Granted 1 is wide based, heavy boned and the heaviest muscled lamb in class, yet faulted it as it lower set, deeper chested, weak topped and round in her hip.

Despite these criticisms, we still used her over the wether with the two spots on his side.  1 is wider and more dimensional down her top and thicker when viewed from behind. She too is longer bodied and shaggier legged.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 625



We definitely see how 2 is leveler hipped and has plenty of muscle shape, however get critical of him as he narrower down his top and is also coarse shouldered and shorter bodied.

Even so, we opted to use 2 over 4 in our bottom pair as 2 is the heavier boned, thicker ended wether of the pair, being wider and squarer through his upper hip.


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number: 680
Exhibitor: 1AnimalCrazyKid
State: TX
Sheep name/number: Sarge
Breed: Suffolk cross



We did see 4 as being longer bodied however found him to be finer boned and tapered through his upper hip.  Therefore we placed the class 3, 1, 2,4 with cuts of 3, 2, 4.


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